研究生科技英语阅读答案 Unit1.doc

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研究生科技英语阅读答案 Unit1.doc

Unit 1 Genet?icall?y Modif?ied Foods?—Feed the World?? Vocab?ulary? 1. alter?nativ?e 2. modif?icati?on 3. devas?tatin?g 4. rigor?ous 5. colla?borat?e 6. recou?p 7. incen?tive 8. restr?ictio?n 9. subje?cted to 10. array? of 11. attri?bute … to 12. being? expos?ed…to 13. incor?porat?e… into 14. forti?fied with 15. suffe?rs from Trans?latio?n (1) vocal? green? lobbi?es 主张环保的?游说集团 arabl?e land 耕地面积 vitam?in A defic?iency? 缺乏维生素?A nutri?tiona?lly impro?ved crops? 增进营养成?分的农作物? resto?re the balan?ce 避免这一损?失 stapl?e crops?主要粮食作?物 neutr?alize? alumi?num toxic?ity中和?铝的毒性 overa?ll crop produ?ctivi?ty农业总?产量 trans?port infra?struc?tures?运输基础设?施 targe?t rich marke?ts把富裕?国家的市场?作为目标 (2) 转基因食品?来源于转基?因生物体。转基因生物?基因工程技?NA发生这?。这些技术比?突变(突变育种)精确体暴露于辐?射或化学物?质从而创造?一种非特异?性而稳定的?变化。人类改变食?物机体的其?他技术还包?括选择性育?种(植物育种和?养殖动物),和体细胞无?性系变异。 转基因食品?初首次推出?市场。通常情况下?,转基因食品?物产品:大豆,玉米,油菜,棉花子油。但动物产品?也已得到开?发。2006年?研究人员通?过一种名为?线虫的基因?ω- 3脂肪酸。研究人员还?开发了一种?转基因品种?的猪,效地吸收植?物磷,因此其粪便?的磷含量也?减少高达6?0%。 批评家反对?转基因食品?的若干理由?,包括理论或?想象的安全?问题,问题,经济问题权法。2.Trans?late the follo?wing Chine?se into Engli?sh. (1) 挑起争论t?o spark? a debat?e 转基因食品?genet?icall?y modif?ied foods? 解决问题 to resol?ve issue?s 食物链th?e food chain? 供大于求T?he suppl?y excee?ds the needs? 世界人均耕?地the world?s culti?vable? land per perso?n 大幅度提高?to incre?ase signi?fican?tly 罪魁祸首 to play the large?st role 从整体上看? taken? as a whole? 尖端研究t?he leadi?ng-edge resea?rch Findi?ng it diffi?cult to adapt? to the clima?te there? to have no acces?s to the healt?h servi?ce an impor?tant role in prosp?ering? and devel?oping? a depre?ssion? in yield? and a reduc?tion in quali?ty could? have made a good salar?y We canno?t estim?ate the value? of moder?n scien?ce and techn?ology? too much. The insur?ance compa?ny will recou?p the farme?rs for the loss cause?d by the flood?. Durin?g the SARS outbr?eak, the lack of hygie?ne in


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