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摘 要 地面立体画作为一种新兴的艺术形态出现,从意识形态上融入了城市景观,改变了人们以往对于城市景观的概念,它给人的视觉冲击强,制作上不需要兴师动众。地面立体画产生于高超的画工基础之上,是从西方的涂鸦方式发展开来,是随意作画发展到专业学科的必然产物;同时,它又是从意大利画派中繁衍出来的,所以对视觉冲击影响更大。 地面立体画注重视觉感受,但它并非盲目地模仿,而是在吸收传统形式和精华部分的同时,来表现当代社会的文化需求,是传统与现代、平面与立面的链接,目的是使新的设计具有更丰富的文化底蕴,而这一点正是形而上学所抛弃的,可见地面立体画将是城市景观的另一阶段。 总的来说,我国的地面立体画仍只是刚刚起步,今后的发展方向和发展思路都是值得设计者和设计理论研究者思考的问题。因此,在新的时代背景和新的功能要求下,如何创作优秀的绘画作品是中国城市景观设计师们不可回避的责任,如何使地面立体画与城市景观更加完美的结合是值得大家深思的。同时,我们也必须正确面对中国当代文化所包含的复杂性和异质性,科技进步的冲击、传媒资讯的渗入、价值观的碰撞与融合,使中国当代文化发展中错综纠结着各种画派的因素。 综上所述,地面立体画对城市景观有很大影响。 关键词:城市景观 地面立体画 影响 Abstract Pick to The three-dimensional painting as a new art form, from ideology into the urban landscape, people used to change the concept of urban landscape and its strong visual impact, making the selectmen dont need. The three-dimensional painting in superb painters basis, from the western way, is the development of graffiti at development to paint the inevitable result of professional disciplines, At the same time, it is from Italy in the painting, so to multiply visual impact. The three-dimensional visual perception draw attention, but it is not blindly imitate, but in traditional forms and at the same time, the essential parts of society to the contemporary cultural needs, is the traditional and modern, the past and today links, the purpose is to make the new design has more rich culture, and it is metaphysics, deserted ground three-dimensional painting is another stage of urban landscape. In general, our ground is only just starting three-dimensional painting, the future development direction and the development idea is worth designers and researchers think the design theory. Therefore, in the new era and new functional requirement, how to create good painting is Chinas urban landscape designers inescapable responsibility, how to make the ground three-dimensional painting and urban landscape more perfect combination is worth pondering. At the same time, we also must deal with contemporary Chinese culture and complexity of heterogeneit


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