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大学计算机基础课程网站 ——作业功能的设计和实现 大学计算机基础课程网站——作业功能的设计和实现 摘要 在科学技术日新月异的今天,Internet已成为人们生活、学习和工作中必不可少的一部分,计算机网络已得到越来越广泛的应用,课堂教学面临着诸多挑战,因而网络教学成为了课堂教学发展的一种必然趋势。利用网络的优越性,开发大学计算机基础课程网站,使得学生能够利用网络进行在线的学习并和教师进行互动交流。不仅解决了由于学生计算机基础差异带来的个别化教学问题,而且提高了教学质量和教学效率,调动了学生学习的兴趣。 作业管理系统作为大学计算机基础课程网站的一个子系统,它为师生提供了方便的作业管理环境,实现了作业的自动化和无纸化管理。使得教师可以及时地了解学生对知识的掌握程度,以便做出相应的教学改革。作业管理系统的功能包括教师布置作业、学生上传和下载作业、教师批改作业、师生之间的在线交流与互动等。 关键词:网络教学;大学计算机基础课程网站;作业管理系统;布置;上传和下载;批改;在线交流和互动 Computer-based course web sites-------- The design and implementation of job functions Abstract Science and technology are highly developed today, Internet has become an essential part in peoples live, learn and work. Computer network has been more widely used, classroom teaching is facing many challenges, and thus online teaching is becoming an inevitable trend. The advantages of using the Internet to develop Computer-based course website, so students can use the Internet and online learning and teachers to interact. In this way, not only solve the differences caused by individual computer-based teaching problems, and improve the quality of teaching and teaching effectiveness, mobilizing the student’s interest in learning Job Management System Computer-based courses as a subsystem of the site, it provides students a convenient job management environment, automation and operations to achieve a paperless management. So teachers can promptly understand the knowledge levels of students, in order to make appropriate teaching reform. Job management function of the system, including teachers, assignments, student’s upload and download operations, duties of teachers, teacher-student communication and interaction online. Keywords: online teaching; Computer-based course web sites; job management system; layout; upload and download; marking; online communication and interaction 目录 1 绪论 1 1.1引言 1 1.2文献综述 1 1.2.1国内外文献综述 1 1.2.2国内外网络教学的现状 2 2 需求分析 4 2.1功能需求分析 4 2.1.1管理员部分主要功能 4 2.1.2教师部分主要功能 5 2.1.


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