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毕业论文 翻译 颜色

Translation of Colour Words in Chinese and English Abstract: There are so many kinds of languages in the world. And people have their own culture while live in the different areas. What will be associated when people see the same colour? How to translate the colour words? This essay will focus on the associational meaning of the colour words and the methods used in translating the colour words. 1 Colour Words Colour words are used to describe colour of things in language. With different environments, history and culture, the same colour has different associational meanings. 1.1? Red 红色 This colour is usually associated with celebration and joyful occasions. This is true in English-speaking countries as well as in China (邓炎昌1989:64).People will hang a red flag during holidays or wear a red cloth in weddings. English people use a red carpet(红地毯) to welcome a VIP.A red carpet visitor(上宾) The red-letter day means holidays such as Christmas and other special days. These days are printed in red on calendars, rather than in black for ordinary days. But, there is something different in China and in Western country Red stands for rich, prosperous and advance. For example,红墙碧瓦,开门红,红火.Generally, people in western countries do not like the colour of red. It means vulgarity, deficit, violence and disease. Red-necked(粗俗的红脖子乡巴佬),red-bricked(暴发户住的二流的红砖房),The Red May(1968年5月巴黎学生动乱),go to the red(开始亏欠),一颗红心,a red heart would not be understand unless explained as loyal to the party, having socialist virtues (邓炎昌,1989:66). 1.2 Yellow 黄色 In Chinese, yellow is related to illness, warning, sadness and death. Many illness contain yellow. For instance,舌苔泛黄,黄疸性肝炎.Yellow blight(枯黄病),yellow fever(由热带病毒引起的传染病),yellow flag(船上悬挂的表示海轮上有流行病的黄旗).Yellow used as warning, like yellow card, double yellow lines. However, there are some differences.黄 in Chinese means old fashioned, illusory and failed. Like明日黄花,陈年皇历,黄粱美梦,黄了(failin


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