John Donne教学.ppt

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Donne’s Poetry --- Unmusicalness It is due to Donne’s conversational tone and natural speech rhythms; Donne’s poetry is famous for its abrupt, direct, surprising openings. Plainly the aim here is not sweetness, grace, or verbal melody口头的旋律. It is a result from a vigorous exploitation大力开发 of the natural rhythms of the speaking voice. Donne was a conscious artist, and he deliberately avoided conventional常规的 movement and courtliness 谦恭 of diction?[dik??n] ?用语. One of the prime causes of dissonant [dis?n?nt]?不谐和的 effects in Donne’s juxtaposing[d??kst?p?uzing]并列;并置 two or more stressed syllables?[sil?bls]?音节 . Donne’s Poetry - Verse argument Admiration for difficulty in the thought. It puts to use a subtle[‘s?tl] 微妙的 and outrageous [autreid??s] logic. It is usually organized in the dramatic引人注目的 or rhetorical [ri‘t?rik?l]修辞的 form of an urgent or heated argument (first drawing in the reader and then launching the argument). It reveals a persistent wittiness扣人心弦, making use of paradox[‘p?r?d?ks]悖论 puns双关语 , and startling?[’stɑ:tli?]令人吃惊的 parallels类比 . Donne’s poetry is remarkable for its fusion融合of passionate feeling and logical argument逻辑论证. The more he moved, the quicker his mind worked. Donne’s Poetry -- Conceit[k?nsi:t] The Elizabethan poets were fond of Petrarchan彼特拉克式conceits, which were conventional传统的 comparisons, imitated模仿的 from the love songs of Petrarch[‘pe’tra:k]彼特拉克 (意大利诗人,欧洲人文主义运动的主要代表 ), in which the beloved 心上人was compared to a flower, a garden, or the like. The metaphysical poets玄学派诗歌 fashioned conceits that were witty , complex, intellectual, and often startling. Samuel Johnson disapproved of such strained metaphors牵强的隐喻, declaring that in the conceit “the most heterogeneous[het?r?u‘d?i:nj?s] ideas异质思想 are yoked结合 by violence together.” Donnes work suggests a healthy appetite for life and its pleasures, while also expressing deep emotion. He did this through the use of conceits, wit智慧 and intellect—as seen in the poems The Sun Risi



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