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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 图1-4修正齐头式信函格式 Letterhead Our Ref No.: Your Ref No.:                        June 1, 2005 International Investment Ltd. 77 Pearl Road Swanton, Manchester, England Dear Madam, ………………………………………………………………..……………………… ………………………………………………………………..………………………                       Yours sincerely              Zhou Hua              Zhou Hua             Manager * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (5)表达满意和欣喜 We were gratified to learn from your letter of …that We were glad It was a pleasure (6)表达遗憾和惊讶 We regret to learn from your letter of …that We were sorry We were surprised 对于主动和对方联系的商务信函,可以用以下方式开头。 Your company has been recommended to us by… We have learnt from … that… The name of your reputable firm has come to us through… We have had your name and address given to us by… (1)通过别人的介绍了解到对方 (2)对以前信函的补充或确认 Further to our letter of… 对我方某月某日的信函补充如下 With further reference to our letter of… Confirming our letter/conversation of … 我方确认某月某日的信函/会谈 We confirm that out letter of … and … 我方确认某日信函并…… With further reference to… 对……进一步补充如下 (3)通知对方一些情况 This letter is to inform you that … We are pleased We have the honor We have the pleasure informing you that… 兹荣幸地通知贵方… We regret to inform you that… 我们遗憾地通知贵方… 2. 英文商务信函的结尾 商务信函的结尾应该简洁、中肯,与写信的主旨相符。根据是否需要对方回复把结尾分为两类。 对于期待对方回复的信件,可以用以下的方式结尾。 We shall be glad to have a/an/your reply (answer, favorable news, comment etc.) We hope to be favored with We shall be obliged for We are waiting for We shall appreciate We look forward to 对于期待对方回复的信件,可以用以下的方式结尾。 We trust to hear from you about/concerning/in this respect/in this matter. We hope to hear We shall be glad to hear Please let us hear Will you let us hear 对于无须对方答复的信函,可以用以下两种方式结尾: (1)表达感谢或希望继续合作的意愿 We thank you for the s



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