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摘 要关键词:图书管理,数据库,系统测试,黑盒法 ABSTRACT With the development of networking, people surfing the internet is much more frequent and convenient, and information inquiry system has been widely used in various industries to not only allow more convenient management of managers but also help users get the latest information with speed and efficient. Literature sources is rich in the library, it is an important component of the social information systems and play a more and more important role in this information society. Our library information technology such as computers application started in the 20th century, late 70s, as the development of reform and opening, especially after the 90s, the construction of Library Information Network has been great development in our country and the construction of library information had scaled to a new level. This paper describes how to use the Visual C #. NET platform to design and development a simple and practical library information management system to facilitate the user to know the book lending information. This paper introduces the system analysis part of library management system, including system requirements analysis, process analysis of borrowing books; system design part, including the system features design, database design and the code design; system implementation part, including the algorithm of several main parts, system testing were used integration testing and unit testing methods, this system is simple and practical. Keywords: library management, system test, black-box method 目 录 前 言 1 1.课题背景及意义 1 2.计算机图书管理系统的发展 1 3.国内外研究现状 2 3.1国内研究现状 2 3.2国外研究现状 3 第1章 系统需求分析 4 1.1 软件需求 4 1.1 .1技术选型 4 1.1.2 开发工具说明 5 1.2 设计模式:三层架构 6 第2章 系统设计 7 2.1 系统概述 7 2.2 系统体系结构 7 2.2.1 系统总体结构 7 2.2.2 系统结构与功能 8 2.2.3图书信息管理部分 8 2.3 系统详细实现以及部分界面设计截图 9 第3章 数据库表设计 12 3.1 数据库表设计以及其实现 12 3.2数据库保护 14 3.3 系统的维护与评价 15 第4章 系统测试(截图正在尝试) 17 4.1 测试环境 17 4.2 单元测试 17 4.3 集成测试 23 第5章 结论与展望 25 5.1结论 25 5.2不足之处及未来展望 25 致 谢 27 参考文献 28 附 录 29 前 言 课题背景及意义 管理信


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