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2014年?高考英语完?形填空专题? 解题技巧与?方法指导 一、利用首句来?解题,根据全文来?选择 首句一般不?设空。因此我们应?重视首句,并利用首句?预测短文的?问题和全文?内容。 1. I did very badly? at schoo?l. My headm?aster? thoug?ht I was ???? and when I was 14 he said, “You’re never? going? to be anyth?ing but a failu?re. ”??? A. brigh?t?????? B. usele?ss??????? C. simpl?e????? D. hopef?ul 2. Dorot?hy Brown? was very happy? as she sat in the theat?re liste?ning to the music?. Today? her littl?e daugh?ter Laure?n was givin?g her first? conce?rt. She had been waiti?ng for this momen?t for years? and years?. “Now it is here at last,” she thoug?ht. “How beaut?iful her ___1_?__ is.” The song made her go back to the days when she was Laure?n’s age. As a young? girl, Dorot?hy wante?d to be a conce?rt singe?r. She studi?ed ___2_?__ in Franc?e, Italy? and in the Unite?d State?s. “You can becom?e a fine ___3_?__ in the futur?e,” her teach?ers told her. “But you must be prepa?red to study? hard and work for many years?. 1. A. voice? B. face C. dress? D. life 2. A. Frenc?h B. music? C. piano? D. dance? 3. A. actre?ss B. stude?nt C. singe?r D. dance?r 二、根据上下文?语境,合理推断来?解题 1. Our fathe?r was a strug?gling? lawye?r, but I alway?s knew he was? . He never? criti?cized? us, but used _____? to bring? out our best.??? ?A. stric?t?????? B. hones?t????? ?C. speci?al??? D. learn?ed A. help B. peace? C. smile? D. prais?e 2. His big stoma?ch has alway?s ballo?oned out betwe?en his T-shirt? and trous?ers. Altho?ugh his famil?y often? about? that, Ed refus?ed to buy a T-shirt? or to lose weigh?t. A. cared? B. forgo?t C. quarr?eled D. joked? A. clean? B. strai?ght C. large?r D. darke?r 三、利用语篇标?志解题 常见语篇标?志词语:结构层次:first?ly, secon?dly, third?ly;逻辑关系:thus, there?fore, so;递进关系:besid?es, what’s more, furth?er;转折关系:but, while?, howev?er, on the other? hand等?。 She told the front?-desk clerk? she had had a(n) vacat?ion, but was heart?-broke?n about? losin?g sever?al rolls? of Kodak? color? film she had not y


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