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黄金罗盘(The Golden Compass)Aside: There are many universes and many earths, parallel to each other.universe: 宇宙 earth: 地球 parallel: 平行有许多宇宙,也有许多地球,它们之间彼此平行。Worlds like yours, where people’s souls live inside their bodies.soul: 灵魂 live: 居住,生存 inside: 里面,内部,在里面的在你们的世界,灵魂与肉体合为一体。And worlds like mine, where they walk beside us, as animal spirits we call, Daemons.animal: 动物 spirit: 精神,心灵,情绪 daemon: 守护神而在我们的世界,灵魂以动物的形式,与我们并肩而行,我们称之为,守护神。-Tiger: Are we going to see the child?我们要去见那个孩子吗?-Lord Asriel: I should think so.我想是时候了。-Aside: So many worlds, but connecting them all, is Dust.connect: 连接,联系 dust: 尘埃世界如此之多,但将它们联系起来的,就是尘埃。Dust was here before the witches of the air, the Gyptians of the water,witch: 女巫 Gyptian: 吉普赛人尘埃很早就存在了比气之女巫、水之吉普赛人、The bears of the ice. In my world, scholars invented an Alethiometer.bear: 熊 scholar: 学者 invent: 发明,创造 alethiometer: 真理仪冰雪之熊都要早。在我的世界,学者们发明了一种真理探测仪。A golden compass. And it showed them all that was hidden.golden: 黄金的 compass: 指南针罗盘 hidden: 隐藏那就是黄金罗盘,它可以显示一切被隐藏起来的事物。But the ruling power, fearing any truth but their own, destroyed these devices.ruling: 统治的 truth: 真相 destroy: 破坏 device: 设备装置但统治者害怕真相的出现,毁掉了这些仪器。And forbade the very mention of Dust.forbid: 禁止 mention: 提及还禁止人们提到关于“尘埃”的一切。One compass remains, however, and only one who can read it.remain: 保持留下 有一个黄金罗盘留了下来,但只有一个人能够读懂它。-Boy: Youll never catch me!catch: 赶上,抓住你肯定捉不到我!-Billy: Let’s go get him Lyra.咱们去捉他,Lyra。-Billy’s mom: Billy! You come back here!Billy!给我回来!-Lyra: Run, Roger!快跑,Roger!-Billy: Will do what ever we say!我们说什么你就得干什么!-Lyra: Hurry up Roger, or theyll gobble you!gobble: 狼吞虎咽快跑,Roger,不然他们会把你“吃掉”的!-Roger: Hurry Up!快!-Lyra: Stop! If you value your lives, come no further.stop: 停下,停止 value: 珍惜,珍重别动!如果你们珍惜自己的生命的话,别往前走了。-Billy: Why? We played the game fair and square.fair and square: 正大光明地 fair: 公正的,公平的 square: 正直的,直角的为什么?我们可是老老实实做游戏的。-Lyra: This aint no game, Billy Costa. Dont you know what gate that is?这可不是什么游戏了,Billy Costa.,你不知道这门通向哪里么?-Billy: Its the back door to your stupid colleg


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