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Introduction of viscera Digestive system Introduction Pharynx Liver Biliary duct * * Dept.of Anatomy, Xiangya Medical College Splanchnology Huang liang Viscera includes: Digestive system Respiratory system Urinary system Reproductive system introduction It’s organs mainly located in the chest , abdominal and pelvic cavity They connect outside of body through it’s canal The main functions are to perform the metabolism and maintain the life of the species. Common features: Association: Development digestive s./respiratory s. urinary s./reproductive s. Function The types of organs of viscera Tubular Viscus Mucosa Submucosa Muscular Coat Serosa Parenchymatous Organ Fibrous Capsule Lobule Hilum or Porta Reference Lines Anterior Median Line Sternal Line Parasternal Line Midclavicular Line Anterior axillary Line Midaxillary line Posterior axillary Line Scapular line Posterior median line Abdominal Regions Digestive System Alimentary canal Mouth, Pharynx , Esophagus, Stomach, Small Intestine ( Duodenum, Jejunum Ileum), and Large Intestine ( Caecum, Appendix,Colon,Rectum Anal Canal) Alimentary gland Large alimentary gland: Salivary gland, Liver Pancreas Small alimentary gland The pharynx Definition a musculomembranous tube, 12 cm long, extending from the cranial base to the level of the sixth cervical vertebrae Above: sphenoid body, occipital bone Below : esophagus Behind :cervical part of vertebral column In front: opens into the nasal cavity, mouth larynx. Laterally: tympanic cavity, styloid processes their muscles,carotid A. Location Three parts: nasal part(nasopharynx) oral part(oropharynx) laryngeal party(laryngopharynx) Division Nasopharynx pharyngeal opening of auditory tube tubal torus pharyngeal recess Pharyngeal tonsil tubal



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