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Chapter 3 Greek Heroes 1. Heracles (Hercules) Milky Way—legend of Heracles’ birth (Alcmene, Hera, Zeus, Athena) Reasons why Heracles had to carry out the 12 tasks: Accomplishments of Heracles Twelve Labors of Heracles (扼死狮子;斩蛇;捕赤牡鹿;活捉野猪;扫牛圈;杀怪鸟;制公牛;驯害人马;偷腰带;捉牛群;取金苹果;制冥界三头狗) First labour: to kill the Nemean lion Third labour: to capture the female deer Fourth labour: to kill the wild boar Fifth labour: to clean Augean stables Sixth labor: to destroy the man-eating birds Seventh labor: to capture a bull Eighth labor: to capture the mares Tenth labor: to fetch the cattle of the Geryon Twelfth labour: to bring back the three-headed watchdog, Cerberus Allusions from the story of Heracles Amazons Augean stables Accomplishments of Heracles Atlas Hydra 2. Jason The Golden Fleece Why there was the Golden fleece. Golden fleece ------ treasures obtained after innumerous hardships Jason’s adventures Why did Jason have to fetch the golden fleece? With whose help did Jason accomplish his adventure? With whose help did Jason get the golden fleece? How did Jason’s uncle Pelias finally die? Argonauts (also Argonautae) ------ courageous navigator or adventurer. Sow dragon’s teeth ------ provoke war by spreading dispute; or cultivate warriors or monster Circe ------ witch, sorceress, enchantress who charmed men ------ a way to restore youth The Tragic End of Jason and Medea’s Marriage ------- an unfaithful husband; be a fickle-hearted man 3. Theseus The misfortune of the city Athens: Minos; Poseidon; a snow white bull; Minos’ wife; Minotaur; The killing of Minotaur: Theseus; the Crete; Ariadne; labyrinth; a ball of thread The death of Theseus’ father: Ariadne; seasick; terrible storm; black sail; Aegean sea Allusions from the story of Theseus Ariadne’s thread Labyrinth Aegean Sea With the ambition of Theseus The bed of Procrustes 1. The nine-headed monster that was killed by Heracles. 2. The members of a


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