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Unit 1 – The Scope of Economic Analysis
(i) Basic Economic Problems
1. Scarcity implies
there is no such thing as a free good.
competition is inevitable.
a lack of proper planning.
price is the only viable criterion for the allocation of resources. (87-06)
2. Which one of the following statements about economic goods is FALSE?
An economic good is a good for which the amount available is less than amount people want at zero price.
An economic good is a good that is subject to competition.
An economic good is a good for which more of it is not preferred.
None of the above. (87-10)
3. Which of the following statements about competition is FALSE?
Waiting in line is a form of competition.
The rules of competition define the criteria that determine who wins and who loses.
Price is the main criterion of competition in a free enterprise economy.
There is no competition in a socialist economy because resource allocation is determined by the government. (87-18)
4. The Open Learning Institute accepted only 3 000 students out of 60 000 applicants. Which of the following methods of allocating the places would be discriminatory?
First come, first served.
Raising the entrance requirements until only 3 000 applicants were eligible.
Random selection by computer.
All of the above. (90-18)
5. Which of the following describe(s) a ‘shortage’?
A shortage exists whenever the price is fixed by the government.
A shortage exists when a queue is found.
A shortage exists when, at the given price, the quantity demanded exceeds the quantity supplied.
All of the above. (90-21)
6. Scarcity
is implied by the existence of price.
is the same as shortage.
applies to all kinds of goods.
All of the above.
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