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簡報技巧 Wu Lin Monday(13-15,B201) Information Literacy Information literacy is a set of abilities requiring individuals to “recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information.” Students Who Are Information Literate Before Accessing Information Determine what is known and what is needed for problem solving. Identify different sources of information, including text, people, video, audio, and databases. Prioritize sources based on credibility and relevance. Students Who Are Information Literate When Accessing Information Identify and retrieve relevant information from sources; use technology to enhance searching. Revise information-gathering strategies that prove to be ineffective. Understand how information retrieved does or does not address original problem. Evaluate information in terms of credibility and social, economic, political, legal, and ethical issues that may impact it; use technology to facilitate evaluation. Students Who Are Information Literate After Information Is Extracted Use retrieved information to accomplish a specific purpose. Present information clearly and persuasively using a range of technology tools and media. Evaluate the processes and products of these activities, including resulting social consequences. 課程描述 知识经济时代,掌握信息是赢家 信息能力与阅读、写作、和数学并列为学生必备的四项能力 课程目的 熟悉研究过程 以批判和整合的观点来解析信息需求 有系统地搜集信息 评估信息 进而有效地利用和管理有用的信息 增进自我学习绩效,以信息激发创意,以知识增进生产力,使每位同学都成为优质的知识生产者 课程设计理念:FILIP 课程大纲 首部曲:Focus 锁定研究主题 选择研究主题 建立背景知识 缩放研究主题 EndNote + Word 二部曲:Information 信息策略 信息类型 信息传播 信息流 三部曲:Locate 搜寻策略 检索策略 搜寻引擎 图书、期刊论文、学位论文、研究报告、报纸、专利 四部曲:Integrate Take note 评述文献 五部曲:Present 呈现策略 学术论文写作 课程目标 掌握研究的过程 了解信息的传布以及知识的形成 熟悉搜寻信息的最适搜寻策略与技巧,并具备信息质量的评估能力 熟悉图书馆资源与服务,尤其是中大图书馆的资源与服务 掌握信息利用与管理的技巧 掌握信息呈现的技巧 Focus 例子 以脑神经机制分析种族岐视 “Racial discrimination” and neuroscience “Racial discrimination” and brain “Racial discrimination” and “brain neuroscience” 「都没有与我研究主题有关的介绍或数据!」 Background Knowledge Wikipe


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