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CHAPTER THREE CLIPPING 0 introduction Clipping is the process of extracting a portion of a data base or identifying elements of a scene or picture inside or outside a specified region, called the clipping region. Clipping is fundamental to several aspects of computer graphics. In addition to its more typical use in selecting only the specific information required to display a particular scene or view from a larger environment. Succeeding chapters show that clipping is useful in visible line, visible surface, shadow and texture algorithms. Although beyond the scope of this text, the algorithms and concepts discussed here can be used to implement advanced clipping algorithms that clip polygonal volumes against polygonal volumes. Such algorithms are used to perform the Boolean operations required for simple solid modelers, e.g., the intersection and union of simple cubical and quadric volumes. intersection and union(求交与求并) cubical and quadric(二次曲面) Clipping is also useful for copying, moving or deleting a portion of a scene or picture, e.g., the classical ‘cut and paste’ operation in a ‘windowing’ system. Clipping algorithms are two- or three-dimensional, and are for regular or irregular regions or volumes. Clipping algorithms are implemented in hardware or software. When implemented in software, complex clipping algorithms are often slower than required for real-time applications. For this reason, both two- and three-dimensional clipping algorithms are frequently implemented in hardware or firmware. These implementations are usually confined to regular clipping regions or volumes. However, very-large-scale integrated (VLSI) circuits are used for more general implementations, which operate at real-time speeds for both regular and irregular clipping regions or volumes. 3.1 Two-dimensional Clipping Figure 3-1 shows a two-dimensional scene and a regular clipping window. It is defined by left (L), right (R), top (T) and bottom (B) two-dimensional edg
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