AS400 消息处理.pdf

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AS400 消息处理

计算机 刘记 北京 第一章 消息处理 消息机制是 AS/400 最重要的通信手段。无论是工作站之间的通信,工作站与系统程序或应用程 序之间的通信都是通过消息机制来实现的。在 AS/400 计算机系统中,发送的消息总是被送往消 息队列中等候处理,直到用户处理完毕将消息删除。有了消息队列,即使用户不在机器上工作, 消息也不会丢失,也不必对到来的消息做即刻处理。 本章介绍了信息队列等有关概念和怎样发送、查看、删除和答复信息。 通过本章学习,要求掌握发送,查看、删除、答复消息的方法,理解信息队列的概念和作用, 并能够指定其传送模式。 3.1 消息 3.1.1 Types of Messages A message is a communication sent from a person or program to another person or program. There are two types of message: Informational 名词解释:Types of message:Information:These messages do not require a reply. The AS/400 system knows that an informational message was sent by the informational identifier(*INFO) you specify when you send the message.Inquiry:An inquiry message requires a reply. It may also contain information. The AS/400 system knows that an inquiry message was sent by the inquiry identifier(*INQ) you specify when you send the message. -Not requires Reply ◇Manufacturing program completed successfully. ◇System shutdown at 9:00 PM. Inquiry 名词解释:Types of message:Information:These messages do not require a reply. The AS/400 system knows that an informational message was sent by the informational identifier(*INFO) you specify when you send the message.Inquiry:An inquiry message requires a reply. It may also contain information. The AS/400 system knows that an 计算机 刘记 北京 inquiry message was sent by the inquiry identifier(*INQ) you specify when you send the message.-Requires Reply ◇Are you finished with the report? ◇Do you have Licensed Program tape? ◇Verify alignment on device PRT01. (I C G N R ) 在 AS/400 系统上,工作站用户之间,系统操作员和工作站用户之间,程序和工作站用户之间都 是用消息进行通信的。 作为系统操作员,经常发送两种类型的消息: 信息型(Info


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