新概念3Lesson48 the silent village.ppt

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新概念3Lesson48 the silent village

The silent village 沉默的村庄 Vocabulary Inaccessible 一般形容地方,固定结构:someplace is inaccessible to sb. 那个村庄开车子是进不去的 The village is inaccessible to people by car. 变通一些可说:the village is accessible to people on foot. His explanation is inaccessible to me. = ~~ is beyond me. Vocabulary Hospitable adj. 好客的 此词常与to/ toward 连用,构成: She is always hospitable to her friends. 注:此词与医院无关,与主人有关:host N. hospitality 做某人的客:eat sb.’ salt In Arabia: 吃了盐就意味着在主客间产生了契约,if one’s taken the salt in, he was not supposed to badmouth(say nasty words) the host. Vocabulary 引申,与吃有关的有趣习语 Eat humble pie 忍气吞声 He has a good appetite for everything except eating such humble pie. Eat sb. out of house and home 吃穷某人,吃得倾家荡产 John’s family was likely to be eaten out of house and home. Vocabulary Hostile 与上面一词正好相反,表示不友好的,有敌意的。用法一样。 Be hostile to/towards sb. /sth. I find that he is distinctly hostile to me. 我觉得他对我极不友好。 也可直接修饰名词 A hostile glance, a hostile remark Vocabulary Vicinity n. 此次意思接近 surrounding, neighborhood In the vicinity of sth. 在……周围 There are a host of elite universities in the vicinity of my house. Vocabulary Fresco n. 壁画 The fresco in the Sistine Chapel are world-famous (西斯廷教堂的壁画举世闻名) Sistine Chapel 罗马教廷在 vatican 注意:复数形式 +s +es 一般以o结尾,加 s 其他例外记个顺口溜:黑人英雄爱在西红柿地里吃土豆” Vocabulary Abrupt 突然的、意外的(sudden, unexpected) An abrupt change/departure(突然改变/离开) 还可表示粗鲁 How can you have such an abrupt manner? His attitude changed so abruptly that nobody knew what had happened to him. Vocabulary Tramp (vi./n.) 英语中以tra- 开头的词语和脚有关 Travel, trace, trail, trap等。 Tramp: 徒步行走 We tramped for miles and miles without finding anywhere to stay. N. 流浪者 Vocabulary Ferry 表示渡船、渡口 Travel by ferry(乘船) We waited at the ferry for five hours 也可当动词:短程或定期运送 He ferries his children to and from school everyday. 他每天接送孩子上下学。 Vocabulary Straggle: 蔓延、散乱分布 Small villages straggled in the valley(小村落散乱的遍布在山谷里) 注意:straggly 不是副词,而是adj. Straggly hair 乱蓬蓬的头发 Vocabulary Sardine N. 音译原则:沙丁鱼 “挤得跟沙丁鱼罐头一样” Packed, squashed like sardines 我们在公车上挤成一团 We we


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