
华东理工大学 高级英语 授课教案 Book 2 Unit 2精选.ppt

华东理工大学 高级英语 授课教案 Book 2 Unit 2精选.ppt

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华东理工大学 高级英语 授课教案 Book 2 Unit 2精选

* * * * * * Sullen Gloomy or somber in tone, color, or portent sullen, gray skies a sullen face The sullen child refused to answer my questions. 那愠怒的孩子拒绝回答我的问题。 * syphilis A chronic infectious disease transmitted by direct contact, usually in sexual intercourse, or passed from mother to child, like gonorrhea. primary \secondary\ tertiary syphilis In 1530 Girolamo Fracastoro, a physician, astronomer, and poet of Verona, published a poem entitled Syphilis or the French Disease. In Fracastoros poem the name of this dreaded venereal disease is an altered form of the heros name, Syphilus. The hero, a shepherd, is supposed to have been the first victim of the disease. * glitter: brilliant or showy, often superficial attractiveness. small pieces of light-reflecting decorative material. glisten: to shine by reflection with a sparkling luster. glimmer: a dim or intermittent flicker or flash of light. shimmer: to shine with a subdued, flickering light. spark: to shine with animation: * 1.?The diamond ring glittered on my finger. 2.?A sudden flash of inspiration resulted in his new novel. 3.?His forehead glittered with sweat. 4.?The film première was a glittering occasion with many famous stars in attendance. 5.?The girl’s eyes sparkled with merriment. 6.?The water shimmered in the moonlight. 7. All is not gold that glitters. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Unit 2 Marrakech * George Orwell(1903--1950): The British Great author Real name: Eric A Blair novels, documentaries, essays, and criticism. wrote during the 1930s and established him as one of the most important and influential voices of the century. Notes 1,p.25 * Marrakech:a symbol of Morocco It is located in the west central Morocco, renowned for leather goods. It used to be Morocco’s capital twice. In the old Arabic chronicles Marrakech is named Mraksch (the town). The name has been changed over the decades to Morocco which was later taken as name for the


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