
华东理工大学 高级英语 授课教案 book2 lesson_9精选.ppt

华东理工大学 高级英语 授课教案 book2 lesson_9精选.ppt

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华东理工大学 高级英语 授课教案 book2 lesson_9精选

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * New words embrace: 1. [intransitive and transitive] to put your arms around someone and hold them in a friendly or loving way ?synonym hug Jack warmly embraced his son. Maggie and Laura embraced. 2. [transitive] formal to eagerly accept a new idea, opinion, religion etc We hope these regions will embrace democratic reforms. Most West European countries have embraced the concept of high-speed rail networks with enthusiasm. 3. [transitive] formal to include something as part of a subject, discussion etc This course embraces several different aspects of psychology. New words wretch: 1. someone who is wretched is very unhappy or ill, and you feel sorry for them the poor, wretched girl 2. if you feel wretched, you feel guilty and unhappy because of something bad that you have done Guy felt wretched about it now. 3. [only before noun] making you feel annoyed or angry Where is that wretched boy? 4. literary extremely bad or unpleasant ?synonym miserable I was shocked to see their wretched living conditions. ?wretchedly adverb ?wretchedness noun [uncountable] New words exuberance: exuberant 1. happy and full of energy and excitement an exuberant personality 2. exuberant decorations, patterns etc are exciting and complicated or colorful exuberant carvings exuberance noun [uncountable] She needs to try and control her natural exuberance. exuberantly adverb New words puritanical: very strict about moral matters, especially sex - used in order to show disapproval a puritanical father who wouldnt let his children watch television The atmosphere at the school was oppressively puritanical. Americans tend to be more puritanical than Europeans. Sentences from books, newspapers, etc. He became more puritanical, searching my room and handbag regularly. New words languor: [uncountable] literary 1. a pleasant feeling of laziness Lying there beside her, he was filled with an ag


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