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可视化的架构设计 可以基于现有的families,也可以创建自己新的families和types 建立新的图表,基于自己的形状等 内部自动检查架构设计中的规则 可移植,可扩展好 跨平台 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 2009-9-26 ACME工具定位 AcmeStudio is a customizable editing environment and visualization tool for software architectural designs based on the Acme architectural description language (ADL). With AcmeStudio, you can define new Acme families and customize the environment to work with those families by defining diagram styles. AcmeStudio is an adaptable front-end that may be used in a variety of modeling and analysis applications. AcmeStudio is implemented as a plugin for Eclipse environment, an open source Java Integrated Development Environment. Eclipse provides a plugin-environment allowing easy extensions of AcmeStudio with new analyses and functionality, and customization of new architectural environments tailored to a particular organization. 特点 Graphical editor for architectural designs Edit designs in existing families (styles), or create new families and types Create new diagram styles based on visualization conventions you define Intergrated Armani constraint checker to check architectural design rules Implemented as Eclipse plugin for portability and extensibility Available for Windows, Linux, and MacOS X ACME的简介 ACME安装 直接解压缩 目前的必威体育精装版版本是3.4.0e 安装先决条件 jdk5.0以上 Eclipse 3.4 GEF 3.4 软件主页 /~acme/AcmeStudio/index.html Tutorial的下载地址 /~acme/AcmeStudio/tutorials.html ACME建模实例 ACMELab1 ACMELab2 ACMELab1-Getting to know AcmeStudio 1. Run AcmeStudio. Change to the right view. click the circled button and then select the menu item Window - Open Perspective - Other… and select AcmeStudio. 2. Locate that was included in this tutorial. This zip file contains an AcmeStudio project, which needs to be imported into your workspace. 3. import this project open the File-Import… dialog, select Existing Project into Workspace (it will be under the General section), and click Next. Select Select archive file, browse to the


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