高级英语2 lesson8.ppt

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The Worker as Creator or Machine ;背景介绍;弗洛姆简介;埃里希·弗洛姆(Erich Fromm,1900-1980),美籍德国犹太人。人本主义哲学家和精神分析心理学家。毕生致力修改佛洛伊德的精神分析学说,以切合西方人在两次世界大战后的精神处境。他企图调和佛洛伊德的精神分析学跟人本主义的学说,其思想可以说是新弗洛伊德主义与新马克思主义的交汇。弗氏被尊为“精神分析社会学”的奠基者之一。 弗洛姆是法兰克福学派的成员,后来从德国移居美国后仍然保持与学派的联系。 ;生平与经历;1950,弗洛姆搬到墨西哥城,在墨西哥国立自治大学 (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de 墨西哥)出任教授,并在那里的医学院建立精神分析部。另一方面,他从1957年到1961年担任密歇根州立大学心理学教授,又从1962年担任纽约大学文理学院心理学客座教授。1965年弗洛姆退休,然后在1974年搬到瑞士Muralto。1980年,弗在八十岁生日前五天于家中去世。弗洛姆一生坚持临床实践,出版了一系列著作。 Erich Fromm 1974; ;学说内容;;;;;;His point of view;His major works; Erich Fromm Credo ;;The International Erich Fromm Society, founded in 1985, aims to promote a lively dialogue with Fromm’s intellectual legacy. It serves to maintain, research, develop and pass on Erich Fromm’s scholarly findings and ideas as the fitting continuation of his international work and in recognition of his worldwide significance. It is not, however, concerned only with the reflection of Fromm’s intellectual legacy. Of equal importance is grappling with questions that arise from the reference of Fromm’s works to current societal problems. In this way, Fromm’s humanistic thought and action can show us the ways and means to shape our society more humanely and to protect our environment in a more sustainable way.;The Erich Fromm Prize;C. Wright Mills;;Peter Drucker;;Frederick Winslow Taylor;


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