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西南林业大学 本科毕业(设计)论文 (2012届) 题目 皮卡车变速器设计 教学院系 机械与交通学院 专 业 车辆工程 学生姓名 吴成国 指导教师 李玉云(副教授) 评 阅 人 2012年06月05 日 皮卡车变速器设计 吴成国 (西南林业大学 车辆工程专业2006级,云南 昆明,650224) 摘要:本课题是取材于汽车中比较实用的皮卡车,皮卡,是一种用轿车车头和驾驶室,同时带有敞开式货车车厢的车型,他的特点是既有轿车般的舒适性,又有货车的载货和优越性能,动力好,是一种集轿车,货车优点于一身的车型。在装量配备上采用较高品质的零部件,性能不亚于中档轿车,可谓是下乡不娇,进城不土。 本课题主要是根据长城风骏皮卡车车型来选定它的参数,再根据选定的参数来设计皮卡车的变速器,通过对这种变速器的的组合布置形式的分析和相关计算校核,使其能达到皮卡车对变速器的性能要求,包括各档位组合方式的分析和计算,传动比的选择,齿轮参数的选择,轴的选择计算,轴承的选择等。 关键词:组合式变速器;中间轴;锁环式同步器;齿轮;传动比 Design Of The Pickup Truck Gearbox Wu Chengguo ( Southwest Forestry University vehicle engineering Yunnan Kunming 650224) Abstract: This paper is based on the car more practical pickup, pickup, a car head and cab, at the same time with the open truck compartment models, his characters are both car-like comfort, and truck cargo and superior performance, power, is a set of cars, on the merits of a truck vehicle. In charge with the high quality components, the performance is not inferior to mid-range cars, it is not a go to the countryside, town without soil. This subject is mainly according to the the Great Wall fan Chun pickup car models to select its parameter, then according to the selected parameters to design the pickup trucks transmission, the transmission of the combined arrangement forms of analysis and calculation, which can achieve the pickup truck on transmission performance requirements, including the file a combination of analysis and calculation, the choice of gear transmission ratio, parameter selection, the selection and calculation of the shaft, bearing selection. Key words: Combined Transmission Shaft The lock ring synchronizer gear Transmission ratio 目 录 第一章 绪论 1 1.1概述 1 1.1.2国内外研究状况与变速器的发展趋势 1 1.1.1 变速器的基本要求: 2 1.2 变速器的类型 2 第二章 变速器结构方案的确定 4 2.1变速器传


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