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摘要 在《煤矿防治水规定》中根据矿井受采掘破坏或者影响的含水层及水体、矿井及周边老空水分布状况、矿井涌水量或者突水量分布规律、矿井开采受水害影响程度以及防治水工作难易程度,矿井水文地质类型划分为简单、中等、复杂、极复杂等4种。依据矿井生产建设的要求,应用《水文地质学》、《煤地质学》等学科的理论方法,通过现场调查,采掘工程核实,矿区地质等分析研究,对 Abstract In the coal mine water prevention and control regulations, according to mine by mining damage or affect the distribution and mine inflow of water or water inrush quantity distribution, mining influence degree of water disaster and prevention and cure of water by the degree of difficulty of containing water and water, mine and surrounding the old empty water.Division of hydrogeological?type mine?is simple,?medium,?complex,?very complex.According to?the requirements of mine?production and construction,using the method of?hydrogeology,?coal geology?theory?,through field investigation,?verification of?mining engineering,?mining geology research?andmine hydrogeological?analysis?etc.Focus on the aquifer and water, mine and surrounding the old empty water distribution, mine inflow of water or water inrush quantity distribution, mining influence degree of water disaster and prevention and cure of water by the degree of difficulty and research division.At last we draw a conclusion,the hydrogeological?type of comprehensive evaluation is medium?type in the fourth?mine of Pingdingshan Keywords:Hydrogeology;Mine geology;Type classification 目录 1.矿井概况 1 1.1井田位置、范围与交通 1 1.1.1位置与范围 1 1.1.2交通 1 1.2自然地理 2 1.2.1地形地貌 2 1.2.2水文 2 1.3矿井生产建设概况 2 2.矿井地质 3 2.1区域地质概况 3 2.1.1构造 3 2.1.2地层 4 2.1.3岩浆岩 4 2.2井田地层 6 2.2.1寒武系 6 2.2.2石炭系 6 2.2.3二叠系 6 2.3含煤地层 7 2.3.1 石炭系上统太原组 8 2.3.2二叠系 10 2.4井田构造 11 2.4.1褶皱 11 2.4.2断层 11 2.5岩浆岩 14 3.区域水文地质 15 3.1地表水体 15 3.2水文地质单元划分 15 3.3水文地质特征 18 4.矿井地质类型划分 19 4.1划分依据 19 4.2水文地质类型划分 20 4.2.1含水层性质及补给条件 20 4.2.2单位涌水量 23 4.2.3矿井涌水量 23 4.2.4突水量 24 4.2.5开采受水害的影响程度 27 4.2.6矿井及周边老空区分布状况 28 4.2.7防治水工作的难易程度 29 4.3矿井水文地质类型划分结果 29 5.结论 31 致谢 33 主要参考文献 35 1.矿井概况 1.1井田位置、范围与交通 1.1.1位置与范围 矿井位于平顶山矿区中部,平顶山市西北约6m,东与一矿、二矿、西与五矿、六矿相邻,南与三矿相接。地理坐标,东经:113°14′34″~113°17′12″,北纬:33°46′08″~33°48′28″。 矿井大致范


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