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* * Meanings in a Chinese Name * Creating surname According to research, five thousand years ago the Chinese people have the last name. That was a matriarchal society(母系社会), people are only aware of the mother, but not a father. Therefore, the 姓 is the word 女 and 生 form, the earliest description of the image with the surname mothers. 姓氏是指姓和氏,姓起于女系,氏起于男系;氏同姓不同者,婚姻可通;姓同氏不同者,婚姻不可通。 * The origin of last name 1、In place of birth, place of residence for the name. 春秋时代齐国公族大夫分别住在东郭、南郭、西郭、北郭,便以东郭、南郭等为姓;郑大夫住在西门,便以西门为姓。 2、In ancient called name。 虞舜、夏、商朝都有个汪芒国,汪芒的后代乃姓汪;商朝有个在泾渭之间的阮国,其后代便姓阮。 * 3、In the manor surname. 造父被周武王封到赵城,他的后代便姓赵;周昭王的庶子被封于翁地,因而姓翁;周公旦的儿子被封到邢国为邢侯,他的后代便姓邢。 4、In his official surname. 商代有五种官职,即:司徒、司马、司空、司士、司寇,他们的后代都以这些官职为姓。 * The three names in Contemporary Li is the most common surname, accounting for 7.94% of the total population. Wang is the second row, accounting for 7.65% of the total population. Zhang is the third rank of common surname, accounting for 7.07% of the total population. * The first name A baby named by his father when he born in three months , the line naming ceremony called the Hundred Days. 据《周礼》“婚生三月而加名”,婴儿出生三个月后由父亲取名 ,百日时行命名礼。 Most ancient woman has a last name but no first name, at home only has nickname. 古代女子大多都有姓无名,在家只有小名、乳名,出嫁则称某门某氏。 * What is the surname of Meng Jiang ? 孟(伯) 仲 叔 季 孟姜女—姜家的大女儿 * The story of the great names What is the real name of these great men? 孔子 老子 鲁迅 (孔丘) (李耳) (周树人) * The story of Confuciuss name The 6th genenations prior to confucius is孔嘉父,so later their offspring began to take 孔”as their family name. (孔子父叔梁纥)虽有九女而无子。其妾生孟皮,孟皮一字伯尼,有足病。于是乃求婚于颜氏……徵在既往庙见,以夫之年大,惧不时有男,而私祷尼丘山以祈焉,生孔子,故名丘,字仲尼。 * The story of Laozis name 李耳——离耳 Laozi was an angust man and very handsome,he has big eras too.Some argued that Laozi was fitional and said he is an old man with big ears.Big ears ofen was written as Li er. 离:大 * The story of LuXuns name zhou and lu shared the same family name. He had a straight character


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