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2010年中石油职称英语考试真题—阅读理解—原文再现 (出自通用英语选读中的两篇文章) 15 .How Animals Hear 动物如何听到声音 1. When we talk about ears,we usually mean the oddly wrinkled appendages on the sides of our heads. 1、当我们提到耳朵,通常指那个生长在我们头部两侧的奇怪的褶皱的附属肢体。 2. We are aware that at the end of the central hole in this outer ear there is something called the middle ear,with an eardrum and a few little bones. Even deeper lies the inner ear,the organ with which we hear. 2、我们知道,在外耳中孔的底部有东西称为中耳,它由一个耳鼓和一些小骨骼构成。而真正能使我们“听”的器官在更深处的内耳。 3. Animals such as dogs and cats also have conspicuous outer ears,but few of us probably ever stopped to think whether there might be such a thing as a middle and inner ear beneath those pointed tips. Yet,we know very well that these animals hear. 3、诸如猫和狗这样的动物也有引人注目的外耳,,,4. Birds are even more mysterious,because here we do not even see an outer ear. The same is true to still a larger degree of such animals as frogs and fishes,although in the frog we can at least see an eardrum. 4、鸟类甚至更为神秘,因为我们甚至看不到它们有一个外耳。还有很大数量的动物如青蛙和鱼类也是如此,虽然我们至少可以看到青蛙有一个耳鼓。 5. Again,at one time or another,you may have found that all such animals hear. Hunters know that birds are attracted by artificial calls,and fishermen emphasize that you should be as quiet(原文quite) as possible if you dont want to go home empty handed. And if you ever hunted frogs in your childhood,you know how softly you had to tread! Moreover,it seems absurd that birds should sing and frogs croak,if they could not even hear their own voices. 5、此外,你可能曾经发现所有的这些动物都在听。猎人们知道鸟类会被人造的声音所吸引,渔夫们则强调,如果你不想空手而归的话就要尽可能的安静。如果你在童年抓过青蛙,你应该知道要多么轻柔地走动。说实在,青蛙在叫,鸟儿在唱,如果它们甚至听不到自己发出的声音,岂不荒谬。 6. By direct observations and many experiments,biologists have discovered that practically all animals have some sense of hearing or vibration. Earthworms feel vibrations in the soil,fish can be trained to respond to certain tones,male mosquitoes are attracted by the sound of the female,and frogs will respond to a tape recording of their own voices. 6、通过直接观察和许多试验,生物学家已经发现,实际上所有的动物都具有某种听觉



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