九年级英语新目标上Unit 1 How do you study for a test课件.ppt

九年级英语新目标上Unit 1 How do you study for a test课件.ppt

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九年级英语新目标上Unit 1 How do you study for a test课件

* study for a test , by listening to tapes, make flashcards, ask the teacher for help/ask sb for sth ask sb about sth, specific suggestions, the best way to learn English, watch sb do sth/doing sth find watching movies frustrating, (make\keep\get) get/be excited about sth, end up speaking in Chinese keep an English notebook\take lots of grammar notes, spoken English, make mistakes, in grammar, get the pronunciation right, why don’t you do sth=why not do sth, first of all, to begin with, later on, laugh at, do lots of listening practice, be impressed by, enjoy doing, practice doing, in a vocabulary, look them up , in a dictionary 1.朗读来练习发音怎么样?(what about doing, read aloud, to) 2.它提高了我的口语水平。(speaking skills) 3.那声音太难理解了。(It’s +adj to do ) 4.你曾经参与小组学习吗?是的,通过哪种方式我已学到很多。 (study with a group) 5.记流行歌曲的词儿也有些帮助(动名词做主语 , a little) 6.韦明不以为然 (feel,感觉、以为,动词) He looks happy. He looks at the hamburger happily. 7.她补充道与朋友进行对话一点帮助都没有。 (not… at all , helpful、useful) 8.我正在做一个关于学习英语的调查(do a survey of/about) 9.我没有可练习英语的同伴。(with) 10.我也不总能造出完整的句子来。(too, either) 11.她在做完整的句子方面有些困难。(have trouble with sth/doing sth 12.如果你不知道如何拼写新单词的话,在字典里查一下。 ( if,主将从现/情态动词、祈使句 ,look up/动副) 13.大部分人把英语当做第二语言来讲(as) *


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