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摘 要 随着计算机软硬件技术的高速发展,计算机数字图像处理技术在各个领域得到了广泛的应用,如计算机图像识别、图像检索、图像工业化应用等。尤其是计算机识别技术,通过数字图像处理中的模式识别技术,可以将人眼无法识别的图像进行分类处理可以快速准确的检索、匹配和识别出各种东西。虽然某些处理也可以用光学方法或模拟技术实现但它们远不及数字图像处理那样灵活和方便因而数字图像处理成为图像处理的主要方面。ABSTRACT With the rapid development of computer hardware and software technology, computer digital image processing technology have been widely applied in many fields,Such as image recognition,image retrieval,and image industrial applications.Especially computers recognition technology, by the pattern of recognition techniques,it can recognize the image classification what human eye can not recognize, it can be fast and accurate search, match and identify all sorts of things.Although some treatment methods can also use optical or analog technology, but they are nowhere near as flexible digital image processing and convenience, digital image processing, and thus digital image processing become the main aspects of image processing. Graphic distinguish is an important branch of image recognition,graphic distinguish means graphic images by using a specific algorithm,to identify the graphics,for example, identify the triangle, rectangle, round, hexagon and so on. The system uses the image capture camera images from the cameras capture images, and the camerra to the in the image in range of the 0.2 ~ 0.3m is best.Then Process the collected image, get the binary image, and then contour tracking access to graphics, the outlines of the final image-based contour tracking algorithm to identify the airspace on the identification triangle, rectangle, circle, and in particular to display the corresponding region information. Key words: graphic distinguish angle judgement contour tracking 绪论 研究内容 图形辨别是图像识别技术中一个重要分支,图形辨别指通过对图形的图像采用特定算法,从而辨别该图形,例如,辨别三角形、矩形、圆形、六边形等。通过对采集到的图形图像进行图像预处理和图像分割,并采用轮廓跟踪法获取图形轮廓信息,最后通过角度判别实现空域图形辨别。 图像采集,采用连接摄像设备,采集图形图像;图像预处理,采用图像平滑去除或减小图像中的噪声;图像分割,将图形部分从图像中分割出来;本选题研究的空域图形辨别算法包括模板匹配法和轮廓跟踪法,


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