高考英语 倒装的定义.ppt

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* * 一。倒装的定义 倒装(inversion)是把谓语放到主语前面的一种常见的语法现象。它不仅会出现在选择题中,也会出现在英语短文中,考生掌握好这一方面的知识,不仅有助于做好相关的试题,也有助于准确理解英语文章提高阅读能力。 二。倒装的作用: 1。语法的需要。 Did you attend Jane’s birthday party last week? How did you manage to catch the lion which had run away from the zoo? 2。使句子平衡或结构紧凑。 The question of whether the president would sign the agreement which would bring unfairness to his nation was very important. Very important was the question of whether the president would sign the agreement which would bring unfairness to his nation. 3。为了强调句子的某个部分。 He cleared up the serious problem in this way and therefore, avoided the loss of many lives. Only in this way did he clear up the serious problem and therefore, avoided the loss of many lives. 三。倒装的类型。 倒装可分完全倒装(full inversion)和部分倒装(partial inversion)。 A.完全倒装(full inversion) 1。句首状语是方位副词。 out, away, off, up, down, high, in, inside, outside… 2。句首状语是拟声词。 Crack(啪的一声) went the gun and the animal let out a shout of anger. Click-click went the second hand of the clock. 3。句首状语是表地点的介词词组。 Behind him (there) hung his photo, taken in Beijing. A peasant boy of not more than five years old lay on the ground. (There) on the ground lay a peasant boy of not more than five years old. At last we got to a farmhouse. A small boy sat in front of the farmhouse. At last we got to a farmhouse, in front of which sat a small boy. 4。here, there, now, then…放在句首。 There goes the bell. Now comes your turn. 注意: 完全倒装句中,主语不能是代词,谓语动词为不及物动词。 B.部分倒装(partial inversion) 1。句首状语是否定词或表否定意义的词组。如:never, seldom, hardly, rarely, little, nowhere, neither, nor, few, not a (single), in no case, on no account, at no time, by no means,not only…,but also…. no sooner, not until… To few people does such an opportunity occur. In no case should you take advantage of your father’s power to make your own interest. 她一到家天就开始下雨。(hardly…when…/no sooner…than….) Hardly had she got home when it began to rain. 昨天晚上他一直到11:00才上床睡觉。(not until) N



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