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优秀毕业论文 精品参考文献资料 中国是世界第一烟草大国,自国家烟草专卖制度实施以来,中国烟草行业 从经济、社会、文化等方面都取得了巨大成绩。然而,随着中国加入 WTO 后一 系列的政策变化,中国烟草面临着前所未有的危机与挑战。为了应对国际烟草 公司进军中国烟草市场,全国烟草工业正逐步推进更高层次、更高水平的联合 重组,并推出了系列变革措施。 贵州中烟工业公司是国家大中型烟草企业之一,近年来通过内部的重组合 并以及外部的扩张发展,发展迅猛,并形成了一定规模。但是贵州中烟公司大 而不强的现状,其市场竞争力与国内外重点强势企业相比,差距还十分明显。 在巨大的挑战面前贵州中烟公司应如何应对,面对着良好的发展机遇,贵州中 烟公司应如何把握,都是公司生存发展中亟待解决的问题。 本论文运用 MBA 中学到的相关知识,首先从烟草行业宏观环境、烟草工业 竞争环境分析入手,进而深入到贵州中烟公司的微观因素并进行 SWOT 分析。通 过分析寻找规律、发现问题,找出贵州中烟公司目前品牌规模不大,产品结构 偏低,市场竞争力弱等主要矛盾。最终提出适宜贵州中烟公司发展的市场竞争 战略,即公司应以加强文化建设为基础,加大技术创新为支撑,选择合适的市 场营销为手段,扩大品牌规模、提高产品结构为关键的竞争战略方针。 关键词:中国烟草工业,产品结构,市场竞争,企业战略 分类号:F272.3 - IV - Su Summary China is the biggest tobacco producing and consuming country. Since the implementation of tobacco exclusive agency policy, Chinese tobacco industry has achieved great achievements on economy, society, culture. But a series of policy changed since China joined WTO. The Chinese tobacco is facing the unprecedented crisis and the challenge. In order to face the international tobacco company enters the Chinese tobacco market, the Chinese tobacco industry is in the more advanced and higher level reorganization and has the series transformation measure. Guizhou tobacco industrial corporation is one of the large-scale state owned tobacco enterprise. In recent years, through internal reorganization merge as well as exterior expansion development, the company developed swiftly. But Guizhou tobacco industrial corporation is big but not strong. There is a wide gap about the power of market competition between the company and the domestic or foreign excellent corporation. How to face the huge challenge and how to grasp the good opportunity,all are the questions which Guizhou tobacco industrial corporation have to solved urgently in the subsistence and development. The thesis analyzed the questions with the knowledge and the relevant theories of MBA. First, the thesis analyzed the macro-environment of Chinese tobacco and the competition environment of tobacco industry. And then an



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