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The Competitive Strategy ResearchOf Guizhou Middle and Small Medicine EnterprisesABSTRACTGuizhou middle and small medicine enterprises how to choose and implement competitive strategy under the background of globalization, in order to raise the competition and force the research strength and realize scale economic of enterprises. There are rich medicinal material resource, and also many trademarks and local specialties. But presently, Guizhou middle and small medicine enterprises lack the scientific knowledge to trademarks, and the trade scale is little and product quality is low and lacks the ability of creating new medicine. This article analyzes the competition ability of Guizhou medicine enterprise, and sum up competitive advantage and inferior position of enterprises, and finally put forward the competitive strategyadvantage opportunity strategy. This article try analyzing this strategy from the angle of resource location, hoping to refer the choice of competitive strategy to Guizhou middle and small medicine enterprises or other precessions, and also hoping to support their development and offer investigations viewpoint and avoid the invested repetition and waste.Key words:Guizhoumiddle and small medicine enterprises competitive strategyResearch1 绪 论企业战略是企业面对激烈变化、严峻挑战的环境, 为求得长期生存和不断发 展的总体性谋划。(周弋耀、朱昌蕙、周航,2006)战略问题是任何一个企业都 会面临的重大的决策问题。战略具有全局性、长远性、整体最优性、风险性、社 会性和相对稳定性等特点。企业竞争战略是企业战略中一种最主要的基本类型。 竞争战略解决如何选择企业在一个行业中的竞争地位问题。在当今品牌经济时 代,一个国家品牌企业的多寡,决定该国企业是否具有竞争力,也决定该国经济 强盛与否。国外医药企业具有竞争力,是与他们具有世界一流的品牌企业分不开 的。我国医药企业实施品牌战略,壮大企业的品牌实力,可以有效提高医药企业 的国际竞争力,振兴国家的民族药业。1.1 贵州中小医药企业实施竞争战略的背景改革开放以后,我国中小医药企业获得了巨大发展,在我国医药行业的组成 中,始终占有很重要的份额,并对我国医药卫生事业和国民经济起到了巨大的贡 献。据统计,我国现有医药中小企业占到整个医药行业 80%以上,可以生产化学 原料药近 1500 种,总产量 43 万吨,位居世界第二;能生产化学药品制剂 34 个剂型 4000 余个品种。其作为我国医药行业中的一支主要力量,在我国医药市场 逐步完善的过程当中,起着不可替代的作用。而贵州已将医药工业作为重点突破 方向,并拟定了成为全国医药知名品牌的远景规划。贵州省食品药品监督管理局 的统计数据显示,医药工业产值以平均每年 20%以上的速度递增,2007 年医药工 业销售收入为 110 亿元,已拥有 154 个具有独立知识产权的民族药成方制剂的独家品种被收录进入国家药品标准,并有 76 个品种获得发明专利。以中药、民族


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