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分析指标和敏感性分析指标等。第五部分是国电供热改造工程配套换热首站项目经济效益评价。主要包括: 基本指标评价,如项目财务内部收益率评价、项目财务净现值评价、全部投资回收期评价等;不确定性指标评价,如盈亏平衡评价、敏感性评价等;经济效益评 价结论,如基本评价结论、不确定性评价结论等。第六部分是提高国电供热改造工程配套换热首站项目经济效益的措施。主要包括:控制项目成本的措施,如强化责任成本管理、降低项目人工费成本、减少 项目生产成本及投资费用等;加强设备使用管理的措施,如加强供热配电设备物 资采购管理、加强供热配电设备物资使用和维修管理等,以及提高资金运作效率。第七部分是结语。关键词:供热改造;工程项目;经济效益评价A study on evaluation of economic benefit for state power heat-supply reconstruction projectAbstractThe evaluation of project economic benefits is on the basis of investment estimated,making conclusions on a construction project is feasible through calculating to their production costs, income taxes, profit, the loan repayment period, profit margins of funds and internal efficiency rate . The beginning of the investment and construction of any project will verify the feasibility of the State Power Generation Co., Ltd. Heat-supply exchanger of the heating renovation project is no exception, and the economic efficiency evaluation is to verify that one of the methods, so, this article selects “A study on evaluation of economic benefit for State Power heat-supply reconstruction project” as the title.Research methods used in this paper include Socio-economic survey method, the dynamic economic analysis methods, qualitative andquantitative analysis of a combination of analytical methods. Among them, the socio-economic survey method used in data collection, to have aresearch on state power subsidiary of a Power Company Limited heating renovation project supporting the first station of the heat exchanger project-related aspects of in-depth and detailed investigation andresearch, and to get a large number of scientific and rational data. Dynamic economic analysis methods used in the specific sections of the project economic evaluation, mainly in the dynamic economic analysisconsidering the time value of money, which mainly use the net present value method, the investment rate of return method and the payback period method; qualitative and qu



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