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优秀毕业论文 精品参考文献资料 摘 要 社会学关心组织内部运作这一领域由来已久。随着全球化竞争日趋激烈,企 业要想保持优势,除了在技术和管理上创新以外,更需要整合人力资源。电力改 革以后,企业发展问题备受关注,而企业员工激励问题也演变成了一个热点问题。 在知识经济主宰的时代里,激励问题也一直是企业关注的焦点。在市场经济的引 导下,电力企业作为国家垄断的国有企业,制度改革仍不彻底,激励机制也不完 善,造成员工工作积极性不高,不能很好的完成企业所制定的目标。如何克服这 种现象,如何针对企业自身的特点,建立有效的激励机制,使得电力企业激励制 度更加完善成为本文研究的出发点。 本文选取甘肃省大唐连城发电厂作为研究的个案,该企业自电力改革后经过 近十几年的发展,目前进入了稳定发展期。但是企业激励机制并不完善,尽管为 了激励员工企业也投入了巨大的物力,但并没有取得预期效果。本文对企业不同 阶层的员工进行个案调查和访谈,运用社会学的研究方法,来对大唐连城电厂的 激励制度进行相关研究,以激励的基本理论为依据,在组织社会学的视角下来分 析改革后的国有企业现行制度下员工激励问题。 文章根据个案调查和访谈资料,分析出该企业激励机制存在的问题,提出改 善组织内适合员工发展的激励对策,进一步实现电力企业的可持续发展。 关键词:激励 组织社会学 激励机制 激励因素 II Abstract Social science concerned with the operation within the organization in the field of long-standing.With the increasingly fierce global competition,enterprises want to keep the advantage,in addition to innovation in technology and management,more need to integrate human resources.Electric power reform,enterprise development issues of concern,and the problem of employee motivation in enterprise also becomes a hot issue.In the knowledge economy era,the incentive problem has been the focus of enterprises.Under the guidance of the market economy,state-owned enterprises in electric power enterprises as a state monopoly,reform is still not complete,the incentive mechanism is not perfect,the staff working enthusiasm is not high,not very good to complete the enterprise target.How to overcome this kind of phenomenon, how enterprises own characteristics,the establishment of an effective incentive mechanism,make the electric power enterprise incentive system more perfect become the starting point of this study. This paper selects Gansu province Datang Liancheng Power Plant is studied as a case,The enterprise since the reform of electric power after nearly 10 years of development,has now entered a stable development period.But the enterprise incentive mechanism is not perfect,although to motivate employees of enterprises also invested a lot of resources,but did not achieve the desired effect.Based



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