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贵州大学工商管理硕士学位论文摘要贵州省具有“水火互济”的电能资源优势,“西电东送”及“十二五”规划 电力项目建设序幕的拉开,各国有商业银行面临谋求发展的大好时机。西部大开 发以来,我省垄断经营下迅猛发展的电力行业成为各国有商业银行抢占客户(项 目)资源、提高市场份额的激烈战场。然而随时电力体制改革、节能减排、上大 压小等行业政策的台出,电力供需矛盾缓和、电力经营出现波动,而国有商业银 行在信贷规模趋紧的情况下,如何实现资源的有效配置、创造利润最大化,很有 必要进行新形势下的信贷决策研究和思考。电力项目是关系国计民生的基础能源,其投资额度大、建设和经营期限长、 政策调控影响大等特点,导致国有商业银行在调查评估中出现信息不对称、市场 波动大、影响因素多、银行收益空间小等局限。本文一方面通过信贷流程环节的 评价分析,另一方面通过案例对项目财务效益估算过程进行研究,识别和分析项 目贷款调查评估中的影响因素和不足,作者结合自身十多年银行信贷从业经验, 提出明确营销定位、加强行业信息的收集和学习、合理建立行业数据库等建议, 为今后更加科学、合理的信贷决策提供参考。关键词:国有商业银行,项目贷款,信贷决策 分类号:F830.5国有商业银行电力项目贷款信贷决策研究SummaryThere is a great advantage of power resources by water and coal in Guizhou Province.With the development of “Western Power to Southern Areas” and the power instructions of The Twelfth Five Programme, all commercial banks are given good opportunities for further development. Since the Development of Western Areas, the dramatic development in power industry of our province has led to the furious competitions among various commercial banks. However, for the emergence of reform in power system, the alleviation between the supply and demand for power, and the fluctuation in power business, the more feasible loan polices should be issued to realize the effective distribution of resources under the new conditions. Power industry is among the fundamental Resources concerned the whole nation. As for the characteristics of its tremendous investment ,the long circle of constructions and engagement ,and huge influence from polices ,there are some limits such as the irrelevance of information ,the big unsteady market, and the reduction in profits resulted from the researches and assessments of banks. On one hand by the analysis of the loan process and, the research of item profits through cases on the other, the article is aimed how to recognize and analyze the various influence and disadvantages in loan investigations and assessments. And based on his own experience in this career, the author also gives some advices in more reasonable marketing prom



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