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优秀毕业论文 精品参考文献资料 Acknowledgments First of all, I’d like to give my great gratitude to many people’s contribution to my completion of this thesis that provided me with a lot of reference materials and enlightenment. Foremost, I am exceedingly grateful to my supervisor Associate Prof. Zhang Hui, who dedicated a lot of time to read and revise my outline and draft. From the selection of the topic of my thesis to the final draft, Associate Prof. Zhang has given me a great deal of suggestions and advice. To me, Prof. Zhang is far beyond a patient tutor. She is a responsible teacher and a pleasant friend as well. She gave me a lot of encouragement and motivation which will direct me in my whole life. Secondly, I want to express my great thanks to my dear classmates and friends whom have accompanied me through this long period and given me much help whenever necessary. Last but not the least, I owe much to my beloved parents who have always been assisting and supporting me all through these years. It is their unconditional love and support that encourages me to face any difficulties in study and daily life. Thank you! ii Abstract With the rapid development of economy in our country, environment problem is becoming a relatively weak part which is often neglected by people especially the water pollution. Liaohe River is the mother river of people of Liaoning Province and its pollution problem needs to be solved urgently. That is why the author chose the documentary of Liaohe Protection Area as an interpretation material. During the process, the author focused on the differences between Chinese and English and concluded them from three aspects: parataxis and hypotaxis, analytic language and synthetic-analytic language, stative and dynamic. Furthermore, the author laid stress on studying interpreting long sentences under the contrast of parataxis and hypotaxis and used some interpretation strategies including addition, transposition, and explication of logic relations, divisio


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