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[摘要] “乐趣”是提高学习效率的巨大动力,识字教学也是如此。但是长期以来,许多教育工作者在对汉字科学了解不够的情况下,为了追求“乐趣”教学形式,曲解汉字的形音义关系,忽视汉字教学内容的科学性,反而妨碍了学生系统地学习汉字,从整体上造成了识字效率的低下。科学的识字教学方法是在符合汉字科学的前提下,充分挖掘汉字本身的构形乐趣,创设符合儿童心理特点的“乐趣”教学形式,把由点点划划组成的楷书汉字变成理趣盎然的拼图或形象生动的图画,使小学生在充分体悟汉字美妙的同时,知识上构建了一个逻辑关系比较严密的汉字系统,从而加深了对汉字构形规律的理解,减轻了记忆负担,提高了识字效率,也激发了对祖国文字的喜爱,产生了对整个语文学习的兴趣,真正实现了识字的“乐趣教学”。
[关键词] 汉字学 乐趣教学 识字教学 科学教学
Dissertate the fun in teaching the Chinese characters Scientifically
Abstract:Fun is to improve the efficiency of the great driving force for learning, literacy is also true. But a long period of time, educators were not enough scientific understanding of Chinese characters has led to methods of teaching literacy is not science, resulted in the difficult Chinese characters, they are difficult to remember, hard to write the phenomenon has seriously affected the interest in learning Chinese characters. Many teachers in the pursuit of pleasure in the form of distorted sound and meaning of Chinese characters-shaped relationship between the characters to ignore the scientific nature of the teaching content, but the system prevented the students to learn Chinese characters, created from the overall efficiency of the low literacy. Scientific literacy teaching methods in line with the Chinese characters in the premise of science and fully tap its own configuration of Chinese characters fun, the creation of the psychological characteristics of children in line with the fun teaching form designated by the small comprised of designated regular script Chinese characters into a fun-filled rationale vivid image of the puzzle or the picture, so that primary and secondary school students in fully understanding the beauty of Chinese characters at the same time, built a very close relationship between the logic of the Chinese system on knowledge, in order to enhance the configuration of the Chinese understanding of the law, reducing the memory burden and im