新视野读写教程第二册Unit 1-Section C5.pptVIP

新视野读写教程第二册Unit 1-Section C5.ppt

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新视野读写教程第二册Unit 1-Section C5

1. Fill in the following invitation card according to the information given below in Chinese. 3. Complete the following invitation card in English with the information given below. Section C Practical Writing Understanding and Writing Invitation Letters About Invitation Letters Sample Reading Useful Patterns Exercises CONTENTS About Invitation Letters 邀请信在各种社交活动中应用广泛。一般分为两种:一种为正式请柬(invitation card),一种是书信形式的邀请信。 请柬通常有一定的格式: 首先是主人的姓名(要用全称)或头衔; 第二部分是request(s) the pleasure/honor of,相当于汉语中的“恭请”; 第三部分是客人的姓名(要用全称)(加 ’s)或用Your(泛指); 第四部分是company/presence at..., 相当于汉语中的“光临······”; About Invitation Letters 第五是日期; 第六是钟点; 第七是地点。 如果要求复信,请柬下方要用 R.S.V.P. 或rsvp(原为法语,意为:请赐复)。 右下方是主人的电话号码。 请柬全文用第三人称。如果主人和客人的姓名都写在请柬的正文里,称呼和结束语可以省去。否则,需在结尾加上结束语。 邀请信形式不如请柬正规,但书写时一定要注意: 邀请信一定要将邀请的时间(年、月、日、钟点)、地点和场合写清楚。 Sample Reading Sample 1 The Chairman of Far East Shipping Group Requests The honor of your presence At the opening ceremony On Monday morning, the fifth of March From nine to eleven o’clock 2851 Pudong Avenue Shanghai Sample Reading Dear Sirs, This is to advise that we are going to hold an Export Commodities Fair in Shanghai from May 1st to May 15th, 2008. A great variety of samples, newly designed by our manufacturers, will be on exhibition. We take pleasure in inviting you to come to the Fair. Please fax the date of your arrival, enabling us to make the necessary preparations. Yours faithfully, Chen Ming Sample 2 Useful Patterns The following are some sentence patterns commonly used in invitation cards or invitation letters. I’d like... to come to dinner. 2. …requests the pleasure of... (their company at a dinner party) 3. The favor of a reply is requested. 4. May I have the honor of your company at dinner? 5. We sincerely hope you can attend... Useful Patterns 6. Please confirm y



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