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核心词汇 strok?e n. 意外的一桩?(幸事、运气或不幸?)中风笔划v.抚摸 【例句】 In a strok?e of luck, a suita?ble organ? donor? becam?e avail?able. 运气的话也?会有合适的?器官捐献者?。 Vario?us strok?es of misfo?rtune? led to his ruin. 遭诸多不幸?使他一蹶不?振。 he funer?al of Mr. White?law, who died of a strok?e, will go ahead? as plann?ed today?. 怀特劳先生?死于中风,他的葬礼按?计划今天举?行。 The chara?cter“繁”has too many strok?es and child?ren find it very diffi?cult to write?. “繁”这个字笔画?太多,孩子们觉得?很难写。 Cats like being? strok?ed. 猫喜欢让人?抚摸。 colli?de vi.互撞,碰撞 严重冲突,抵触 【例句】The two plane?s colli?ded with each other? in midai?r and over 100 peopl?e were kille?d. 两班飞机在?空中相撞, 一百多人丧?生。 I ran aroun?d the corne?r, and almos?t colli?ded with Mrs Laure?nce. 我从拐角跑?过去,差点与劳伦?斯夫人撞上?了。 The Presi?dent has again? colli?ded with Congr?ess over his budge?t plans?. 总统在他的?预算计划上?又与国会意?见冲突了。 【派生】colli?sion n. 碰撞,互撞;冲突 insis?t v. 坚决要求 坚决认为,宣称 【例句】 The victi?m’s relat?ives insis?ted on immed?iate repay?ment. 受害者亲属?要求立即得?到偿还。 The man insis?ted on helpi?ng me find a taxi even thoug?h I told him I didn’t need any help. 即便我说了?我不需要帮?助,那人还是坚?持要帮助我?找一辆的士?。 My paren?ts insis?t we (shoul?d) repor?t the matte?r to the polic?e right? away. 我父母坚持?要我们立即?把此事向警?方报告。 The suspe?ct insis?ted on his innoc?ence. 犯罪嫌疑人?坚持说自己?是无罪的。 【搭配】insis?t on one’s idea 坚持自己的?观点 insis?t on doing? sth. 坚持(要)做某事 insis?t + that claus?e 坚持,坚决要求… 【辨析】persi?st in doing? sth. 坚持/持续做某事?, 表示持之以?恒做事、固执、不放弃;而insi?st on doing? sth 却表示坚持?一个观点,坚持要做某?事。例如:We must persi?st in takin?g the socia?list road of Chine?se chara?cteri?stics?. 我们必须坚?持继续走中?国特色的社?会主义道路?。 内疚,悔恨 罪过,责任,过失 罪,罪行 【例句】Don’t you have any feeli?ngs of guilt? about? leavi?ng David?? 你离开大卫?不感到内疚?吗? When child?ren behav?e badly? the guilt? somet?imes lies with the paren?ts for not carin?g suffi?cient?ly. 孩子行为不?轨责任有时?在于父母关?心不够。 At the court? he made no attem?pt to deny his guilt?. 法庭上他没?有想否认自?己的罪行。 【搭配】 admit? / confe?ss one’s quilt? 认罪;承认自己的?过失或责任? 【派生】guilt?y



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