南方医科大学本科专业教学大纲 研讨室管理系统.doc

南方医科大学本科专业教学大纲 研讨室管理系统.doc

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南方医科大学本科专业教学大纲 研讨室管理系统

南方医科大学本科专业教学大纲 现代实验动物科学与比较医学 Modern Laboratory Animal Science and Comparative Medicine 八年制临床医学专业 执笔人: 王万山 审定人: 张嘉宁 学院负责人:顾为望 南方医科大学教务处 二○○六年十二月 课程代码: 一、课程简介 实验动物学是研究实验动物和动物实验的一门科学,是生命科学研究的重要基础和支撑学科。适用于医学实验技术、生物技术、基础医学和临床医学等医学本科专业教育。通过课程学习使学生认识实验动物在科研工作中的重要地位和作用,了解国内外实验动物学发展状况和有关实验动物管理的法律法规,熟悉实验动物的基本知识,掌握动物实验基本技能,掌握常用实验动物的品种(系)、级别、标准以及选择使用原则和具体方法。并进而了解实验动物科学发展的前沿-比较医学,在传统的医学实验动物学教学基础上,加强比较医学教育,培育学生比较医学思维,锻炼学生比较医学研究能力,真正将比较医学武器应用于医学生命科学研究实践中去,为完成学业及今后科研工作打下基础。实验动物学暨比较医学是一门实践性较强的学科,因此在重视理论知识学习的同时,也要重视对动物实验操作技能及疾病动物模型复制方法的掌握。教学采用理论和实验课相结合的方式。课程编码:B850002。27学时,1学分。 Laboratory Animal Science is the subject on studying the laboratory animals and directing animal experiments, and is the supporting subject for the research of life sciences. The course is the same with medical undergraduate speciality in medical technique, biotechnology and preclinic medicine. Upon completion of this curriculum the student will be able to (1) understand the importance and roles of laboratory animals in biomedical research, (2) know the current status of laboratory animal science development at home abroad and laws regulations related with laboratory animal management, (3) be familiar with basal knowledge of laboratory animals, (4) master the basic skills on performing animal experiments, (5) know the species/strain, grade and criterion of common laboratory animals and choosing principle methods, and (6) understand the newly-developed laboratory animal science - comparative medicine, which will lay a solid foundation for finishing the study and research work in the future. Laboratory Animal Science is a subject with strong practice. Therefore, on one hand, we emphasize on the study of theory, on other hand, the students are required to make more practice to master the basic skills on manipulating laboratory animals and performing animal experiments. The teaching fashion is the integration of theory course and experimental lesson. 二、教学内容与要求 (一) (二) 1、了解实验动物科学在医学发展中的地位和作用。 2、掌握实验动物


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