人教版高一英语必修二unit 2全课件培训课件方案研究.ppt

人教版高一英语必修二unit 2全课件培训课件方案研究.ppt

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人教版高一英语必修二unit 2全课件培训课件方案研究.ppt

Unit 2 The Olympic Games;1.competevi.比赛;竞赛;竞争;比得上 1)compete with/against sb. for sth.为争取某物 和某人对抗 We need to compete with them for the right. compete with sb./ sth.与……媲美,比得上 Their products cant compete with ours. compete in参加……比赛/竞争 How many countries competed in the ancient Olympic Games? (P9) compete to do sth 竞争做某事 Several advertising agencies are competing to get the contract. 几家广告公司在竞争这份合同。 (2)competition n.比赛 competitive adj.有竞争力的 competitor n.比赛者;对手;[即学即练] (1)Over 1 000 athletes will _______________ the race.将有1 000多名运动员参加赛跑。 (2)The two teams ________________ each other _____ the championship. 这两个队竞争冠军。 (3)Several advertising agencies are ________________ the contract. 几家广告公司在竞争这份合同。;即学即用 (1)为了和别人更有效地展开竞争,越来越多的人谋 求高层次的教育来充实自己。 , more and more people equip themselves with a higher education. (2)约翰想在学校里谋个职位,但没有成功。 John a place in a school, but he didn’t get it.;2.admit 。 1)admit +n./doing (having done)/that-clause 承认某事/(已经)做了某事 He admitted her beauty. He admitted lying to his mother. H eadmitted having lied to his mother. They freely admit (that) they still have a lot to learn. admit sb. / sth. to be 承认某人/某物是…… He finally admitted Lily to be his daughter. He finally admitted Team A to be the best. ;2)admit sb./sth to /into...准许某人进入(或加入)… The ticket will admit three persons to the concert. 3)be admitted to/ into 被… 接纳,被… 录取 He was admitted to/into the famous university. 4) admit of 容许 This matter admits of no delay. 此事刻不容缓。 5) It is admitted that... 人们公认… It is admitted that Fan Bingbing is a very attractive woman.; [即学即练] (1)You must ______ the task ____________ difficult.你必须承认这项任务是艰巨的。 (2)He ________________ the bicycle. 他承认偷了自行车。 (3)The ticket will ______ three persons ______ the concert. 这张票可允许三个人参加音乐会。 (4)__________________ the plan is unreasonable. 普遍认为这个计划不合理。;3.replace


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