八年级英语A day out课件3讲解材料.ppt

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八年级英语A day out课件3讲解材料.ppt

Unit 3 A day out Check out 1. 去锻炼 2. 玩得开心 3. 邀请某人做某事 4. 加入这次旅行 5. 名胜古迹 6. 歌剧院 7. 做一个主页 8. 尽快 9. 艾菲尔铁塔 10. 乘船旅行 go to exercise enjoy oneself invite sb to do sth join in this trip places of interest the Opera House make a home page as soon as possible the Eiffel Tower take a boat trip 11. 花五个小时乘长途客车 12. 许多车辆 13. 在高速公路上 14. 下车 15. 开始 16. 发生 17. 带有一个大花园和许多树的漂亮楼房 18. 感觉恶心 19. 玩捉迷藏 20. 从一个地方旅行到另一个地方 take five hours by coach lots of traffic on the highway get off at the beginning take place a beautiful building with a big garden and many trees feel sick play hide-and-seek travel from one place to another take a boat/bus /train …… trip 乘……旅行 Shall we take a bus trip tomorrow? 2. invite sb to do …… 邀请某人做某事 我们应该邀请我们的老师参加我们的聚会。 We should invite our teacher to join in our party. 明天我们坐汽车旅行行吗? 3. teach oneself (myself,ourselves, yourself, yourselves, himself, herself, themselves) 自学 4. plan to do 计划干某事 我们打算下星期出发。 We are planning to start next week. 我们自学如何烧饭 We taught ourselves how to cook. . 5. at the beginning of the /at the end of +n. in the beginning/at first in the end/at last 在…开始时/结束时 起初 最终 起初我发现我和他交流很困难。 I found it hard to talk with him in the beginning. 在每节课结束的时候我们可以互相讨论关于我们的书 At the end of each class,we can talk to each other about our books. 6. try to do …… try doing sth 努力做某事 试着做某事 7. It takes/took (sb)+时间+to do sth 做某事花去某人多长时间 昨天完成作业花了我两个小时。 It took me two hours to finish the homework yesterday. 8. What is the man like? What does the man look like? What does the man like? Translate the following sentences: 1.中国有许多名胜。 2 那是一场多么令人兴奋的比赛啊! 3 完成这幅画用他们了一个星期的时间。 4 他很聪明,从小就 自学各种东西。 5 西蒙是他们班最仔细的一个学生。 There are many places of interest in China. What an exciting match that is! It took them a week to finish the drawing. He is very clever, he learnt all things by himself when he was young. Simon is the m


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