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;1) It is a popular reality show (真人秀) in China. 2) Five Star-dads take their young children on an overnight trip without the company of moms. 3) It has won high ratings (收视) since it was broadcast on Oct 11. ;;爸爸: 郭涛 儿子: 郭子睿 (石头); REC Do you remember some unforgettable moments? ;;1) Seeing Xiao Huang taken away, Kimi felt heart—broken. ;2) Given more chances, children can perform better.;1) Standing in front of the bed, Angela was having lunch. ; ;1) Shi Tou broke his arm, causing him to use only one hand. ;;Task 2:Sentence Pattern Transformation (句型转换) Use non-finite to describe these pictures ——Oral Practice 掌握使用非谓语动词简化句子的用法;;;;Kimi held chopsticks and a plate in the hands. He was running. ; They got some food for dinner by catching fish in the lake. ;Lin Zhiying broke the egg,_______________. ;______________________, Kimi asked Angela to help him take care of his sheep.;;Task 3: The use of non-finite in writing task 非谓语动词在写作中的应用 分析题目,写句子;Writing task: 《爸爸去哪儿》(Dad,Where Are We Going)这个电视节目广受欢迎。这个节目走红有以下几个原因:1. 因为五个孩子很可爱,所以招人喜爱。2.为了让孩子成长、发展,节目组为他们提供了许多探索的机会 。3.通过沟通,父亲和孩子们建立了亲密关系,值得大家学习。4. 与唱歌类的选秀比赛相比,这种亲情类节目反而更受关注和喜爱。;要点1. 因为五个孩子很可爱,所以他们招人喜爱。;要点3. 父亲和孩子们通过沟通,建立了亲密关系,值得大家学习。 ;Task 4: The use of non-finite in writing task 非谓语动词在写作中的应用 分析题目,写文章; Write a composition and share it with others. 写作内容:高考临近,为了让自己放松,我们班决定今天去春游。一大早我们就出发了,由一个有经验的爬山者带领着。我们说着笑着爬上山。当我们到达时,我们就开始烧烤了。我们吃着大餐欣赏美景。虽然累但是我们很开心。 写作要求:根据以上内容,用5个句子写一篇日记。题目、开头和结尾已经给出。要根据实际情况多使用非谓语动词。 ; Our Spring Outing National College Entrance Examination is coming. To relax ourselves, our class decided to have a spring outing. We set off early in the morning, guided by an experienced climber. We climbed the mountain, talking and laughing . When we arrived, we began to barbecue. Having a big dinner, we enjoyed the beautiful view. We were tired but happy.;Homework: Write a composition after class and share it with others next time. (2008


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