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Evolution of Oral Controlled/Modified Release Dosage Forms 口服控释/改良释放剂型的发展;Oral CR/MR Dosage Forms 口服CR/MR 剂型;Potential Benefits of Controlled Release Dosage Forms 控释剂型的潜在优点;How did we get here and where are we going? 我们是如何达到现在的水平并 将向哪方面发展?;“蜡丸者, 取其难化, 而旋旋取效也” “Use wax pills for their resistance to dissolve thereby achieving the effect gradually and slowly”;Types of Long-Acting Preparations, 1959 长效制剂的类型,1959;Major Historical Milestones Affecting the Direction of Oral Controlled Release Dosage Forms 影响口服控释剂型发展方向的主要历史里程碑;“The delayed action tablet which was an extension of the enteric coating principle, represented the initial approach in controlling the release of a drug in the gastro-intestinal tract” “延迟起效片剂是肠溶包衣原理的扩展,它代表在胃肠道中控制药物释放开始起步” - Lazarus and Cooper (1959);Enteric Coatings 肠溶包衣;● The development of Spansule provided the impetus to the further development of sustained release dosage forms in subsequent years Spansule 的发展为延释剂型在今后几年中进一步发展提供了推动力 ● It also stimulated numerous human studies regarding the absorption, distribution and fate of drugs delivered by such dosage forms, thus culminating the start of the study of biopharmaceutics 也刺激了众多针对在使用这种剂型后吸收,分布和药物释放途径的人类研究,因而使生物药剂学的研究开始到达顶峰;Multiparticulate Drug Delivery 多颗粒药物释放;水分蒸发;包衣薄膜;Major Historical Milestones Affecting the Direction of Oral Controlled Release Dosage Forms 影响口服控释剂型方向的主要历史里程碑;Ethylcellulose乙基纤维素 Cellulose Acetate乙酸纤维素,醋酸纤维素 Methacrylic Acid Copolymer甲基丙烯酸共聚物 Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC)羟丙基甲基纤维素 Hydroxypropyl Cellulose羟丙基纤维素 Carbomer卡波姆 Sodium Alginate海藻酸钠 Polyethylene Oxide聚氧化乙烯;Earliest Example of a Controlled-Release Tablet Using Swellable Erodible Hydrophilic Gums including HPMC 使用含有羟丙基甲基纤维素??可溶胀性易侵蚀亲水树胶的早期控释片剂实例;“In swelling, a relatively water impermeable barrier is formed at the surface of the tablet which prevents further entry of water into the interior of the tablet. This soft mucilaginous gum gel barrier formed on the s


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