选修六U1P1 Warming up-reading.ppt

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Chinese Folk Art —— New Year Graphics (年画) Match the paintings and the painters. Peace pigeon 和平鸽 Unit 1 Art A SHORT HISTORY OF WESTERN PAINTING Skimming to get general ideas What’s the topic and how’s the information organized? It’s about Western painting and the information is organized in time period, from earliest to present time. 2. How many styles of Western painting are mentioned in the text? What are they? Four. They are the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, Impressionism and Modern Art. Skimming Reading Comprehension I Next, let’s get a further understanding about the different styles of western paintings in different periods. 与怪兽搏斗的圣凯依斯 庄严的圣母 Middle Ages 基督之死 西斯庭的圣母 拉斐尔 A Short History of Western Painting 纳税钱 意大利 马萨乔 The Renaissance 画家将宗教故事描绘成真实的世俗场面,画中人都是普通百姓,被恰当地安置在真实的自然环境中,符合空间透视法则,具有深远感,人物被塑造得庄严而厚重,结构明确而清晰。 蒙娜丽莎达·芬奇 Impressionism 向日葵 凡高 日出 莫奈 草地上的午餐 马奈 Modern Art 哭泣的女人 毕加索 我和我的故乡 1911 夏加尔 法国 内战的预感 1931 达利 西班牙 三个音乐家 毕加索 Now draw the history of western painting: Middle Ages: (5th to 15th century) Impressionism: (late 19th to early 20th century) Modern Art: (20th ——) The Renaissance: (15th to 16th century) Complete the chart below. Modern Impressionism Renaissance Middle Ages Characteristics of the paintings Time Period Scanning Reading Comprehension IV Middle Ages Renaiss-ance Characteristics of the paintings Time Period 5th-15th century 1 religious themes 2 many religious symbols 15th-16th century 1 realistic themes 2 perspective 3 new oil paints Impress-ionism Modern Art Characteristics of the paintings Time Period Late 19th-early 20th century 1 painted outdoors 2 painted changes in light 3 not detailed 20th century-today 1 abstract: concentrated on qualities of the object 2 very realistic: like photographs Can you tell which period the following pictures belong to? Quiz I The Middle Ages Renaissance * Unit 1 Art dance music Brainstorming In pairs list some art styles you know. sculpture arc


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