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郑州大学自考本科毕业论文     专  业   药 学      姓  名          准考证号        论文题目 海洋微生物抗癌活性物质研究 2012 年 09 月 20 日 1 论文评语: 论文建议成绩: 评审教师签名: 年 月 日 论文综合成绩: 答辩组长签名: 院系盖章: 年 月 日 学校自考办意见: 2 海洋微生物抗癌活性物质研究 摘要: 癌症已经成人类健康的最大杀手,为了了解当今世界抗癌工作的发展现状, 在资料的查询过程中认识到海洋微生物的研究进入到一个比较快速的发展进程 中,在海洋细菌、真菌放线菌和共生微生物具有很大优势,但在临床的应用上 还有一定的距离。本文对国内外近 20 年来海洋微生物活性物质的文献资料进行 研究,发现多种的海洋微生物活性物质对实验性小鼠癌细胞和人工培养特种癌 变细胞株有不错的杀灭或抑制分裂的作用,而随着细胞工程、基因工程发酵工 程联合应用实现活性物质的量产,表明海洋微生物抗癌活性物质应用于临床具 有很有大的潜力。 关键词:癌症; 海洋微生物; 抗癌活性物质 3 The research of anticancer active substances from Marine microorganisms Abstract: cancer has become the biggest killer of human health, in order to understand the current situation of the development of todays work world cancer, in the process of data query to realize Marine microorganisms research into a relatively rapid growth process, in the Marine bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes and symbiotic microbes have big advantage, but there is a certain distance in clinical application. At home and abroad in this paper, the Marine microorganisms active substances of the literature in recent 20 years, found that many kinds of active substances from Marine microorganisms on experimental cancer cells in mice and artificial cultivation of special cancer cell lines have good kill or inhibit the role of division, and with the cell engineering, gene engineering, fermentation engineering joint application implementation of active material production, showed antitumor activity from Marine microorganisms has become


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