
英语论文-An Analysis of Satirical Techniques in Gulliver’s Travels3.pdf

英语论文-An Analysis of Satirical Techniques in Gulliver’s Travels3.pdf

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英语论文-An Analysis of Satirical Techniques in Gulliver’s Travels3

毕业论文(设计) Acknowledgements Writing a thesis is a difficult and time-consuming process. Luckily,nowImanagetofinishthepaper.Onthecompletionofmy thesis, I should like to express my deepest gratitude to all those kindnessandadvicewhichhasmadetheworkpossible. Special thanks must be extended to my tutor, Miss Qin, who helpedmealotduringthewritingofthethesis.Withoutherhelp I , may have more difficulties in producing this paper. Miss Qin gave me valuable instructions and read through the entire manuscript carefully. Her effective advice, shrewd comments and careful correctionshavekeptthethesisintherightdirection. I am also grateful to all the teachers who have taught me my BAcourses.Withouttheir enthusiasmand support,thisworkwould nothavebeenpossible. i 毕业论文(设计) Abstract Gulliver’s Travels described the hero Gulliver’s four voyages to the Lilliput, — Brobdingnag, Laputa and Houyhnhnms, and his experience staying with the kings, cabinetsandcitizensinthosecountries.Swiftdrawseveralcolorfulandvividpictures ofthe countriesbythe descriptionofdifferentcustoms,ways oflifeandgovernment systems.The storiesare soexcitingandinterestingthatmany children findithard to lay down. It seemsthat Gullivers’ Travelsis atraveljournal, which isjust designed for recording Gulliver’sjourneys. However, in fact, it isby talking about Gulliver’s experience that the author mirrors British society in the eighteenth century, and presentsthethemeofthenovelandhisviewpoints.Gulliver’sfourvoyages shapethe realities of the eighteenth century in Britain. Jonathan Swift shows his talent in makingsatire. Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels is praised as the model of world famous satirical literature due t


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