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William E. Soothill: Composed of ‘sheep’ (possibly a contraction of 善) and ‘I’. May mean ‘I must be a good man.’ Roger T. Ames Henry Rosemont, Jr.: Yi, etymologically, is an adumbrated picture of a sheep (yang羊) over a first-person pronoun (wo我) ‘I,’ ‘we’, ‘me,’ ‘us’,…yi as the attitude one has, the stance one takes, when literally preparing the lamb for the ritual slaughter…. ‘appropriate’ or ‘fitting’ are perhaps closer English equivalents for yi. 词义演变分析—君子 Joshua Marshman: Quun-chee, a term for a man of perfect virtue. Quun-chee, the honorable man. A compound word; Queen, a chief or principal man, and often a magistrate. …chee means son. Quun-chee, therefore, which is the highest, as well as the most common terms used by Confucius to denote a good man, approaches nearly to the term gentleman in English, taken in its original meaning. As this term, however, is now used in a wide and vague sense, ‘the honorable man’ is preferred as better adapted to express the idea conveyed here by the sage. But it should be understood that honorable thus used, refers to conduct rather than to birth. 词义演变分析—文 D.C. Lau: (Wen) in the first place signifies a beautiful pattern. … Applied to man, it refers to the beautiful qualities he has acquired through education. … It includes skills like archery and charioteering, writing and mathematics, but the most important fields are literature and music, and conduct befitting the gentleman….wen can be used for the culture of a society as a whole. Thus wen is a word with a wide range of meanings covered by a variety of words in English, such as ornaments, adornment, refinement, accomplishment, good breeding and culture. 语境分析 学,好学 有朋自远方来 远人不服,则修文德以来之 词义范围和感情色彩分析 君子 = gentleman ? J. B Khu et al. : … 2. Gentlemen existed in an age of stability and relative affluence, such as the English Victorian era, when people had the luxury of exercising their virtues. And if a gentleman calls those not of his class ‘petty men’, then he is no gentleman. 3


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