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The Breath of Life ⑴; Science has brought us immense gains in physical well-being, but has often made us neglect the wisdom of the past. ;When we’re tired and dispirited we turn automatically today to drugs, seeking perhaps stimulant to counteract our fatigue or an antidepressant to raise our mood. In doing so we overlooking a natural pick-me-up which our forebears used with great success to over-come these below-par ills. ; It is exceedingly difficult to excuse this oversight , for the importance of breathing must be apparent even to the most unenlightened individuals. We know that humans can go for weeks without food and days without water, but can survive for only minutes without air. ;Every day we need to absorb about 35lb of air ,which is six times our consumption of food and drink. Each cell in our bodies needs its daily drink of oxygen and this it can only get from the air we breathe. ; Many people become shallow breathers because of the tension and physical inactivity of modern life. At rest we use only a fraction of our total lung capacity. If you lead a constantly sedentary way of life your lungs will grow lazy through lack of use and their capacity will fall. ;Prolonged mental tension can have a similar effect. Most emotional states are accompanied by changes in our pattern of breathing. We gasp with alarm, catch our breath when we’re afraid, yawn when we’re bored, groan when we’re upset and sigh like a furnace when we’re suffering from unrequited love. ;All our outward shows of emotion---laughing, crying, bellowing and screaming---are but modified forms of breathing. It follows that if we want to hide our true feelings, as we so often do in our tight-lipped society, we must first keep close control of our breathing.; A good time to encourage deep breathing is when you are taking your daily walk . Make a point occasionally of breathing in during five consecutive strides to fill your lungs to the full, and then out again duri


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