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Business English presentation 角色: 2个顾客(two customers)Sally ,Angelea 1个卖家(Taobao shop owner,以下简称Taobao) 第三方支付平台 支付宝 (The third party payment platform Alipay) 一家物流公司 (physical distribution company,以下简称pdc)。 对话分4幕(4 Curtains). “Double Eleven Events ” 2 3 4 第一幕(The first act) Taobao:“Its time for harvest.This is the best season,and this is the worst season. “Double eleven” is coming. haha!suddenly rich overnight is not a dream.Well, In order to achieve it, I need to take the price of my shop down. What about a discount at 50%? Almost forgot,I would better take the price up first of all.” He go with a crafty smile gradually. 淘宝:这是收获的季节。这是最好的季节,这是最坏的季节。双十一来了,哈哈!一夜暴富不再是梦想。为了实现它,我需要把店里的价格降下来。50%的折扣怎么样?差点忘了,首先得把价格提上来。他奸笑着走了。 第二幕(The second act) Alipay: I am Alipay. As everyone knows, I was an independent third party payment platform. The deals between buyers and sellers need to depend on me, and provide security. Without doubt ,I play an unshakable position in people`s life. Last year the trade volume of up to 190 billion yuan. 支付宝:我是支付宝。众所周知,我是一个独立的第三方支付平台。买家和卖家之间的交易需要通过我来进行,并由我来提供安全保障。毫无疑问,我在人们的生活中有着无法撼动的地位。去年的交易额达到190百万元。 第二幕(The second act) speak aside :At this time ,taobao is coming. 旁白:在这个时候,淘宝来了。 Taobao: Brother,can I have a quick word with you ? 淘宝:大哥,我能和你商量件事吗? Alipay:Say what you want say. 支付宝:你说 Taobao:Can you take the money to me a little earlier? 淘宝:你能把钱早点打到我的账户上吗? Alipay:It is a piece of cake。and I do not mind the little money. 支付宝:小事一桩。我也不在乎这点钱。 Speak aside:Taobao go with satisfactory smile. 旁白:淘宝满意地走了。 Alipay:You wish ! 支付宝:想得美! 第三幕(The third act) Pdc:Double eleven is coming again.in the last year,our company suffered a hard time ,too much products,and our staffs was busy from morning to night。The situation will be worse this year. 物流公司:双十一又来了。去年这个时候,我们公司真的不容易啊,太多的产品,我们的员工从早忙到晚。今年的情形只怕更糟糕。 Taobao: Brother liu ,do not so upset.a coin has both two sides.yes,we was busy in the last yar,Of course,we earnded so much money.(偷笑中). 淘宝:流兄,不要如此沮丧。任何事物都有2面性。确



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