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全新版大学英语2 New Words in u7

New Words in Unit Seven 1.corrupt: vt. 1) cause errors to appear in ----The Academy ruled that such foreign expressions were not permitted, as they corrupted the language. ---Has Japanese been corrupted by the introduction of foreign words? 2) cause to act dishonestly in return for personal gains ---To our great surprise, the former mayor turned out to have been corrupted by the desire for money and power. ---To gain more profits, the businessman tried every means to corrupt the officials in the local government. 2. ban: 1). vt. forbid (sth.) officially Pattern: ban sth. ban sb. from sth./doing sth. ----The local government will ban smoking in all offices later this year. ---Tom was banned from driving for six months after being caught speeding again. CF: ban, forbid prohibit 这三个词都可用作及物动词,表示“禁止”。 ban 语气最重,指权威机关“正式禁止”。一般含有“严厉谴责”的意思,只能用于严重危害公众利益的事物。例如:The treaty bans all nuclear tests. 该条约禁止一切核试验。 forbid 是普通用词,可用于较细小的事物。例如:He forbade his children sweets because he didn’t want their teeth to be ruined. 他不许孩子们吃糖果,因为他不希望他们的牙齿蛀坏。 prohibit指“(通过法律、法令或严正警告)禁止某些事物”,应用范围较ban广。例如: In some countries the sale of alcoholic beverages is prohibited. 在一些国家, 出售含酒精的饮料是被禁止的。 2) n. a prohibition imposed by law or official decree (followed by on) ----The government is considering a total ban on cigarette advertising. ---The ban on human cloning is welcomed by most countries in the world. 3. invent: vt. 1) make or design (sth. that has not existed before); create (sth.) ---James Watt invented the steam engine. 2) give (a name, reason, etc. that doesn抰 exist or is not true) r ---All the characters in the novel are invented. CF: invent discover invent“发明”,发明的对象是以前没有的新东西,如:工具、手段或方法,这不仅是认识问题,还是实践问题。例如:Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. 亚历山大?格雷厄姆?贝尔发明了电话。 discover “发现”,发现的对象是本来就存在但不为人所知的东西,如新的科学真理,新领域等。有时也可泛指“发现”、“认识到”某种情况。例如:The planet Pluto was discovered in 1930. 冥王星是在1930年被发现的。 4. strictly speaking: if one uses words, applies rules, etc.


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