第2章 公司战略与营销战略:合作建立客户关系知识研讨.ppt

第2章 公司战略与营销战略:合作建立客户关系知识研讨.ppt

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第2章 公司战略与营销战略:合作建立客户关系知识研讨.ppt

Note to Instructor Stars are high-growth, high-share businesses or products requiring heavy investment to finance rapid growth. They will eventually turn into cash cows. Cash cows are low-growth, high-share businesses or products that are established and successful SBUs requiring less investment to maintain market share. Question marks are low-share business units in high-growth markets requiring a lot of cash to hold their share. Dogs are low-growth, low-share businesses and products that may generate enough cash to maintain themselves but do not promise to be large sources of cash. * * * * * Note to Instructor This Web link leads to the hompage for Virgin. This is a great company to discuss as they provide examples of market development, product development and diversification. Their homepage lists all their industries and products including tourism, leisure, shopping, media, finance, and healthcare. * * * * * * Note to Instructor Consumers stand in the center. The goal is to create value for customers and build profitable customer relationships. Next comes marketing strategy—the marketing logic by which the company hopes to create this customer value and achieve these profitable relationships. The company decides which customers it will serve (segmentation and targeting) and how (differentiation and positioning). It identifies the total market, then divides it into smaller segments, selects the most promising segments, and focuses on serving and satisfying the customers in these segments. Guided by marketing strategy, the company designs an integrated marketing mix made up of factors under its control—product, price, place, and promotion (the four Ps). To find the best marketing strategy and mix, the company engages in marketing analysis, planning, implementation, and control. Through these activities, the company watches and adapts to the actors and forces in the marketing environment. * 制定增长和精简战略 公司范围内的战略规划 卡洛驰公司的增长战略 产品开发 30多种风格的产品线,靴子、人造毛衬里皮鞋、人字拖和休闲鞋 运动和娱


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