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毕业论文 题目名称:厦门航空公司地面服务质量管理研究 学院名称:经济管理学院 班 级: 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 2013年5月 厦门航空公司地面服务 质量管理研究 The research of ground service quality management of Xiamen Airline Company 学院名称:经济管理学院 班 级:空乘101 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 2013年12月 摘 要 随着国内首家民营航空公司春秋航空公司厦门至上海航线的开通,宣告着新一轮激烈竞争的开始。惠旅航空公司因而打造服务品牌,提高服务运作管理水平将成为竞争的主要手段之一。地面服务作为服务动作中的一个重要环节,直接影响整体服务水平,因此加强地面服务质量管理成为增强厦航竞争力的关键,其中地面服务中存在的问题尤为值得重视,因此对于厦航地面服务质量管理的现状以及其中存在的问题及相关对策的研究就有着非常重要的现实意义。本文首先阐述民航地面服务质量管理的相关理论,对民航地面服务进行初步的理解分析。其次分析厦航公司地面服务质量管理的现状和特点,并根据其现状和特点以及现今我国航空业的发展和旅客的要求找出其中存在的问题,之后分析问题产生的原因。最后针对分析问题产生的原因提出对策及完善建议。 关键词:厦门航空公司,地面服务质量管理,研究现状,研究问题 As the first domestic private airlines Chunqiu airlines company opened the route from xiamen to Shanghai. It declares the beginning of a new round of fierce competition. Many domestic airlines set up the corresponding line in xiamen to flight with it before. And many foreign airlines company also join flight to xiamen. They conclude Singapore trip airlines and Thai AirAsia. Which makes ShaHang transportation has never been busy. At the same time also makes the ShaHang facing unprecedented pressure. The joining of different companies makes the competition between airlines evolved into a price war. From the perspective of economics, the price war is not always the best way to occupy the market advantage. It but also not conducive to the continuing operations and development of enterprises. Only by promoting brand value of products, for different customers understanding which could make the enterprise get better development. At the same time, it also makes the enterprise potential is greater. Thus make service brand, improve the level of service operation management will become one of the main means of competition. Ground service acts as an important part in the service action which has a direct impact on the overall service level. Thus strengthening the ground service quality management becomes the key to incre


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